Homework T7 F7 - May 15th
Conditions d’achèvement
dear students
Ouvert le : samedi 9 mai 2020, 00:00
À rendre : vendredi 15 mai 2020, 00:00
dear students
for each subject (T and F) from this class (7) , write a short report (studies appointments).
We expect not more than 4 pages for each.
Read both sets of slides.
Prof Kogler added a text on his subject, that you must read and comment in this home work.
Prof Marcio added some short videos, that you must watch. You could also make further
search in the internet about these subjects, to write your appointments.
Each one must be uploaded in this site, The names must be:
F7_YourNUSP.pdfThe upload deadline is one week after the class.
best regards, and take care of your health
Kogler and Marcio