One page introducing yourself. (PDF)
USP school, course and year
for exchange students, also your home school and course
Why are you attending this course
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the classes will continue remotely. Sessions on F3/T3 became redundant on 2019, so they were excluded this year and some small topics not covered yet will be included in future classes. This class will be dedicated to test remote transmission, by taking the occasion to discuss our plans for next classes and activities.
Class F4 is complemented with recorded videos. Class T4 is complemented with companion text explaining the slides. On April 14 we will meet via teleconference to discuss issues on classes F4 and T4. Some homework must be done for this class. F4 and T4 homework are due on April 14.
Today, discussions about material from F5, T5 and delivery of material for next classes F6, T6.
Today, discussions about material from F6, T6 and delivery of material for next classes F7, T7.
The slides are partially based on the videos. Click in the title below to watch the playlist containing the videos in YouTube.
Video 1 - What is a neural network
Video 2 - What is gradient descent, how do neural networks learn
Video 3 - What is backpropagation
Video 4 - Backpropagation calculus
Today, discussions about material from F7, T7 and delivery of material for next classes F8, T8.
Video with the bobo doll experiments performed by Albert Bandura, as explained in the slides
Obs. - This file is the same that is attached to the Homework F8 entry.
Project Report Tarefa