English Phonetics & Phonology

Assessment schedule

Course assessments have a value of 20 overall. At the end of the course your assessment total will be divided by 2 to give a course grade out of 10. Each of the different instruments of assessment has its function and you cannot substitute one for another. That is, you must do at least 3 of the weekly online activities, 2 of the class transcriptions, a recording and the group project. The distribution of marks is as follows:


3 weekly online activities (3x 2 marks)       6 (ungraded)

Two class transcriptions                                6 (graded)

Moodle recording                                           4 (Graded)

Group video/teaching                                    4 (Graded)

Total                                                                  20 (divided by 2 to get mark out of 10)



Weekly online activities/quizzes

These are available on moodle. They include the transcription practice quizzes. You must do each activity in the week that it is scheduled. A total of 7 activities will be made available on moodle. You must do AT LEAST 3 of the 7 activities. You get a mark for participation in the online quizzes. The grade you receive for the quiz/activity is for your information only. You can do the online quizzes as many times as you wish during the week they are ‘live’.


Class transcriptions

There are 2 class transcriptions. They are graded. If you are absent for a class transcription, or if your grade for one or both tests is embarrassingly low, there will be a voluntary, compensatory ‘make-up’ test scheduled for the end of the semester.


Moodle recording

You will record a given passage and upload it onto moodle. This is graded.

Group teaching/video

The final project will involve groups of around 4 presenting some aspect of the course to the class as a whole, either live or on video. Instructions will be given later in the course.

Modifié le: mardi 12 février 2019, 14:29