Diagrama de temas
Prof. Alberto do Amaral Jr and Profª Cristiane Lucena
Recommended Readings:
Chapters 1 and 5 - Thomas Hale David Held Kevin Young- Gridlock - Why Global Cooperation is Failing when We Need It Most
Prof Alberto do Amaral Jr.
Recommended Readings:
Corporate Social Responsibility and International Investment Law: Tension and Reconciliation
Ying Zhu
The contested legitimacy of investment arbitration and the human rights ordeal
Horatia Muir Watt
Corporate human rights obligations and international investment law
Jernej Letnar Černič
The Role Of Counterclaims In Rebalancing Investment Law
Andrea K. Bjorklund
Profª Cristiane Lucena
Recommended Readings:
George Downs - Enforcement and the Evolution of Cooperation
Carmela Lutmar and Cristiane L. Carneiro - Compliance in International Relations
Prof. Alberto do Amaral Jr.
Recommended Reading:
John Ruggie - Just Business: Multinational Corporations and Human Rights
I - Required Readings:
1) - KOREMENOS, Barbara; NAU, Allison. Exit, No Exit
2) KOREMENOS, Barbara; LIPSON, Charles; SNIDAL, Duncan. The Rational Design of International Institutions
3) MITCHELL, Ronald; KEILBACH, Patricia. Situation Structure and Instituional Design: Reciprocity, Coercion and Exchange
II - Recommended Reading:
1) MITCHELL, Ronald. Problem Structure, Institutional Design, and the Relative Effectiveness of International Environmental Agreements.
Required Readings:
1) Pierre Rosanvallon/ Counter-Democracy. Introduction + Topic 1 (Vigilance, denunciation, evaluation - P. 56)
2) Anthony F. Lang, Jr. and Antje Wiener/ A constitutionalising global order: an introduction
3) Robert O. Keohane, Stephen Macedo, and Andrew Moravcsik/ Democracy-Enhancing Multilateralism
Profª Cristiane Lucena
I - Required Readings:
1) ALTER, Karen J; MEUNIER, Sophie. The Politics of International Regime Complexity.
2) HILLEBRECHT, Courtney. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Effects of Overlapping Institutions: A Preliminary Study.
II - Recommended Reading:
1) CARNEIRO, Cristiane Lucena; WEGMANN, Simone. Institutional complexity in the Inter-American Human Rights System: an Investigation of the Prohibition of Torture
Prof. Alberto do Amaral
Required Readings:
1. SCHWAB, Klaus. The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Chapters 1, 2 and 3
2. CHORAFAS, Dimitris N. Capitalism without Capital. Chapters 9 and 10.
Prof. Mattias Kumm
Jornadas Europeias
Required Readings:
1) KUMM, Mattias. Why the Eurocrisis is not over: On the nature of the constitutional crisis is Europe and what needs to be done to overcome it
2) KUMM, Mattias. Why Europeans will not embrace constitutional patriotism
Prof. Mattias Kumm
Lecture: On the history and theory of Global Constitutionalism (focus on South America)
Required Readings:
The Cosmopolitan turn in Constitutionalism, ILJ 2013
The history and theory of Global Constitutionalism, in: Suami, Peters, Kumm (Eds.), Global Constitutionalism in East Asia CUP 2018
Prof. Mattias Kumm
Lecture: Global Constitutionalism and the relationship between national and international law
Required Readings:
The Cosmopolitan turn in Constitutionalism, ILJ 2013
Constitutional Democracy and International Law: Terms of Engagement, in: S. Choudhry (Ed.), The Migration of Constitutional ideas (CUP 2006)
Prof. Sven Korzilius/Universidade do Chile
The trade war between the United States of America an the European Union - An analysis in the context of the WTO.
Required reading:
Trade Wars are Easy to Win? National Security and Safeguards as the New Weapons
Nicolas Jung and Angshuman Hazarika
Prof. Richard Steinberg/ University of California and Stanford University
Topic: The demise of the World Trade Organization
Required Reading:
STEINBERG, Richard. The Impending Dejudicialization of the WTO Dispute Settlement System
Prof. Richard Steinberg/ University of California and Stanford University
Topic: Current challenges for the International Criminal Court
Required Readings:
Contemporary Issues Facing the ICC:
Chapter 17: The Court Should Avoid all Considerations of Deterrence and Instead Focus on Creating a Credible and Legitimate Normative Environment in which Serious Crimes are Not Tolerated
Chapter 23: The Crime of Aggression versus the Responsibililty to Protect
Chapter 31: Why Africa?