1 - Case Debate: ICJ - Corfu Channel
2- Professor Alberto's Lecture
Required Reading: Chapter 6. AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Capítulo 06 – Solução Pacífica de Controvérsias
1 - Case Debate: ICC Lubanga Case2- Professor Alberto's Lecture
Required Reading: Chapter 6. AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Capítulo 06 – Solução Pacífica de Controvérsias
1 - Case Debate: ITLOS – M/V “Louisa" Case
2- Professor Alberto's Lecture
Required Reading: Chapter 6. AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Capítulo 06 – Solução Pacífica de Controvérsias
1 - Case Debate: CIDH - Vladimir HerzogPlease note that although the case report is long and complex, the version uploaded to moodle is highlighted. Therefore, we kindly ask the students to read at least the highlighted parts and participate in the debate.
2- Professor Alberto's
Required Reading: Chapter 16. AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Capítulo 16 – A proteção internacional dos direitos humanos
1 - Case Debate with Karlo Fonseca Tinoco: WTO panel on Australian Tobacco plain packaging2- Professor Alberto's Lecture
Required Reading: Chapter 14. AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Capítulo 14 – Direito Internacional Econômico
1 - Case Debate: Lanoux Lake2- Professor Alberto's Lecture
Required Reading: Chapter 15. AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Capítulo 15 – O direito da integração - Mercosul e União Europeia
1 - Case Debate: France Cour de cassation – Madame Noira X c. Ecole saoudienne de Paris § Royaume d’Arabie SaouditeOs arquivos relativos à decisão estão em francês. Um resumo da decisão está disponível em português.
2- Professor Alberto's Lecture
Required Reading: Chapter 15. AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Capítulo 15 – O direito da intgração - Mercosul e União Europeia
Prof. Mattias Kumm
Lecture: Global Constitutionalism and the relationship between national and international law
Required Readings:
The Cosmopolitan turn in Constitutionalism, ILJ 2013
Constitutional Democracy and International Law: Terms of Engagement, in: S. Choudhry (Ed.), The Migration of Constitutional ideas (CUP 2006)
Dear all,
You can find attached the files related to the Moot Court which will be held on 09.11.2018. As you see it is not a fictive dispute, but a case raised by the State of Palestine against the United States of America on 28.09.2018 before the International Court of Justice. Please consider in your works: 1. the statehood of the State of Palestine; 2. the basis for the jurisdiction of the Court; 3. the Monetary Gold principle.
Also, please write the names of all members of the group on the written work which you should email to us for Professor Alberto’s information.
We remain at your disposal for any complementary information you might need.
Good luck,
Alexandre, Carol, Khazar, Marina, Tiago