Aperçu des sections

  • 26/8 - Aula 1: As teorias da mobilização política e o problema da cultura



    Jasper, James (2007). Cultural Approaches in the sociology of social movements. In Roggeband, C. and Klandermans, B. (edts) Handbook of social movement across disciplines. Springer.

    Sewell, Jr , William H. (2005), “The Concept(s) of Culture,” in Bonnell, Victoria and Hunt, Lynn. Beyond the Cultural Turn. New directions in the study of society and culture.  Berkeley. University of California Press. 

    Poletta, Francesca. (1997). “Culture and its Discontents: Recent Theorizing on Culture and Protest.” Sociological Inquiry 67: 431-50.

    Alonso, A. (2009). Teorias dos movimentos sociais: balanço do debate. Lua Nova, no. 75.


  • 2/9 - Aula 2: A sociologia política como sociologia relacional: a Teoria do Confronto Político


    Emirbayer, Mustafa. 1997. “Manifest for a Relational Sociology.” The American Journal of Sociology, Volume 103, Number. 2. (Sep., 1997), pp. 281-317

    Giugni, Marco (1998). Structure and Culture in Social Movement theory. Sociological Forum, vol. 13, no.2, jun.

                McAdam, D., Tarrow, S. & Tilly, C. (2001), Dynamics of contention. New York: Cambridge University Press. Capítulo 1: "what are they shouting about?"

           Seminário 1: McAdam, D., Tarrow, S. & Tilly, C. (2001), Dynamics of contention. New York: Cambridge University Press. Capítulos 2: "Lineaments of contention" e 3 "comparisons, mechanisms, and episodes"

  • 16/9 - Aula 3 - impactos do interacionismo simbólico na sociologia política: cultura como cognição

    Leituras: Goffman, Erving (1974): Frame Analysis New York, NY: Harper cap 2: "Primary frameworks"

           DiMaggio, Paul. (1997). Culture and cognition. Annual Review of Sociology 23.

                Benford, Robert D. & David A. Snow (2000): “Framing Processes and Social Movements: An Overview and Assessment,” Annual Review of Sociology 26.

    Seminário 2: Gamson, William A. (1992). Falando de política. Autêntica, 2011 capítulo 3: "Injustiça" e 8 "Ressonância cultural".

                Tarrow, Sidney. Poder em movimento. Movimentos sociais e confronto político. Ed. Vozes. 2009.  capítulo 7: "interpretando o confronto"

  • 23/9 - Aula 4: repertório e performance


                Alonso. Repertório, segundo Charles Tilly. História de um conceito

                Goffman, Erving (1974): Frame Analysis New York, NY: Harper, capitulo 5: "The theatrical frame"

    Tilly, Charles Regimes and repertoires. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006, cap "Repertoires of contention"

    Seminário 3: Tilly, Charles Contentious performances. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Capítulos 1: "claims as performances", 2 How to detect and describe performances and repertoires” e 3 "How performances appear, change and disappear"

  • 30/9 - Aula 5: impactos do pós-estruturalismo na sociologia política: cultura como narrativa


                Swidler, Ann. "How culture matters" in Talk of Love. How culture matters. , Chicago, univ of Chicago press,2001

    Tarrow, Sidney. The language of Contention. Revolutions in words, 1688-2012, Cambridge, 2013 , capítulo 1: "repertories of contentious language"

    Goffman, Erving (1974): Frame Analysis New York, NY: Harper, cap 13: "The frame analysis of talk"

    Tilly, charles. Why? What happen when people give reasons ... and why. cap 3: "Stories".

    Kurzman, Charles. "the poststructuralist consensus in social movement theory" in Goodwin, Jeff and James M. Jasper (ed.). Rethinking Social  Movements: Structure, Meaning, and Emotion, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: New York

    Seminário 4: Polletta, Francesca. It Was Like a Fever: Storytelling in Protest and Politics. University of Chicago Press. 2006, capítulos 1 "Why stories matter" e 3 " strategy as metonymy: why activists choose the strategies they do"

  • 14/10 - Aula 7: sociabilidade e conflito político


    Mische, Ann. 2011. Relational sociology, culture and agency. In Scott, John and Carrington, Peter (eds). Sage Handbook of social network analysis, Sage.

    Gould, Roger (1991). “Multiple Networks and mobilization in the Paris Commune”. American Sociological Review. v. 56

    Auyero Javier. When everyday life, routine politics, and protest meet. Theory and Society, 2004, 33, p. 417-441.

    McAdam, D; & Fligstein, N.: A theory of fields, Oxford U.P, capítulo 7 "Towards a theory of strategic action fields"

    Seminário 5: Gould, Roger. Collision of Wills. How ambiguity about social rank breeds conflict.  Chicago U.P.,2003, capítulo 4 "solidarity and group conflict", 5  "conflict and social structure"

                Eder, K. A  nova política de classes. Edusc, caps 1 "reintroduzindo as classes na teoria da sociedade: a cultura como o elo perdido entre classes e ação coletiva" e 8 "Os 'novos movimentos de classe': cruzadas morais, grupos de pressão política ou um movimento social?"


  • 21/10 - Aula 8 -  cultura como ritual e emoções coletivas: o neodurkheimianismo na sociologia política


    Jasper, James. (2003). The Emotions of protest. in Goodwin, Jeffrey and Jasper, James. The Social Movements Reader. London,Blackwell.

    AlexanderJeffrey. (1988)'Introduction: Durkheimian  Sociology and Cultural Studies Today', in Jeffrey C. Alexander (ed.) Durkheimian SociologyCultural Studies

    Alexander, Jeffrey (2006). “From the depths of despair: performance, conterperformance and ‘September 11”. In Alexander, C., Bernhard Giesen and Jason L. Mast (2006). Social Performance: Symbolic Action, Cultural Pragmatics and Ritual. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Seminário 6: Ron Eyerman, 2011, The Cultural Sociology of Political Assassination: From Mlk and Rfk to Fortuyn and Van Gogh. Palgrave, 2011. capítulos 2 "Political assassination, trauma, and narration" e 3 "Remembering the 1960s: the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy"

  • 4/11 - Aula 9: Cultura e violência


                Tilly, Charles. "violence as politics". In The Politics of Collective Violence, Cambridge UP, 2003

                Dupuis-Deri, Francis. The Black Blocs ten Years after Seattle. anarchism, direct action and deliberative practices. Journal for the study of radicalism, vol. 4, no. 2, 2010

                Della Porta, Donatella. Clandestine Political Violence, Cambridge, 2013, cap 1:  "Political violence and social movements: an introduction"; Conclusion

           Seminário 7: Alimi, E. , Demetriou, C, Bosi, L. The dynamics of radicalization. a relational and comparative perspective. oxford, capítulos 1 "Social movements, contentious politics, and radicalization"; 6 "Processes of Radicalization: dissimilarities in similarities" e 8 : "The relational dynamics of radicalization"


  • 18/11 -Aula 10: Inovação e circulação de estratégias de ação política

    Leituras: Chabot, Sean, A culture of peace in motion: transnational diffusion of the Gandhian repertoire from India to the U. S. civil rights movement. International Journal of Humanities and Peace,, 2000.

    McAdam, Doug.  1995. “‘Initiator’ and ‘Spin-off’ Movements: Diffusion Processes in Protest Cycles” in Repertoires and Cycles of Collective Action by Traugott, Mark (ed.). Duke University Press: Durham.

                Tarrow, Sidney. Dynamics of diffusion: mechanisms, institutions, and scale shift. In Givan, Rebecca K.; Roberts, Kenneth M. & Soule, Sarah A. (eds.), The diffusion of social movements. Actors, mechanisms, and political effects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010, p. 204-220.

    Tilly, Charles (2006). “Invention, Diffusion, and Transformation of the Social Movement Repertoire,” in Identities, Boundaries, and Social Ties. Paradigm.

           Seminario 8: Beissinger, Mark R. 2007. “Structure and Example in Modular Political Phenomena: The Diffusion of Bulldozer/Rose/Orange/Tulip Revolutions.” Perspectives on Social Movement Theory and Terrorism Sociology Compass 2/5 (2008): 1565–1581 Politics 5: 259-276.


  • 25/11 - Aula 11: encerramento do curso

           Leituras: Jasper, James. Social movement theory today: towards a theory of action? Sociology Compass, 4/11, 2010

                Patterson, Orlando. Making sense of culture. Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2014. 40:1–30