Topic outline

  • O surgimento da Nova História Econômica e da Nova Economia Institucional

    Indicações de leitura:

    Cain, Louis P. and Robert Whaples (2013). “Economic history and cliometrics”.

    Kalmanovitz, Salomón (2004). "La Cliometría y la Historia Económica Institucional: reflejos latino-americanos".

    Nonnenmacher, Tomas (2013). “The New Institutional Economics and economic history”.

  • A obra dos pioneiros: Robert Fogel e Douglass North

    Indicações de leitura:

    Diebolt, Claude and Michael Haupert (2017). "A Cliometric Counterfactual: What if There Had Been Neither Fogel nor North?"

    Goldin, Claudia (1994). "Cliometrics and the Nobel".

    Greif, Avner and Joel Mokyr (2017). "Cognitive rules, institutions, and economic growth: Douglass North and beyond".

  • Tema em destaque: o transporte ferroviário

    Indicações de leitura:

    Fogel, Robert (1962). "A Quantitative Approach to the Study of Railroads in American Economic Growth: A Report of Some Preliminary Findings".

    Grandi, Guilherme (2009). "História econômica ou economia retrospectiva? Robert Fogel e a polêmica sobre o impacto das ferrovias no século XIX".

    Herranz-Loncán, Alfonso (2011). "The Role of Railways in Export-Led Growth: The Case of Uruguay, 1870-1913".

  • Desenvolvimentismo latino-americano versus economia do desenvolvimento

    Indicações de leitura:

    Aldrighi, Dante and Renato Colistete (2013). "Industrial Growth and Structural Change: Brazil in a Long-Run Perspective".

    Debowicz, Dario and Paul Segal (2014). "Structural Changes in Argentina, 1935-1960: The Role of Import Substitution and Factor Endowments".

    Rodrik, Dani (2000). "Institutions for High-Quality Growth: What They Are and How to Acquire Them".

    Schneider, Ben (2013). "Estado desenvolvimentista no Brasil: perspectivas históricas e comparadas".

  • As diferentes causas do crescimento econômico nas Américas

    Indicações de leitura:

    Allen, Robert, Tommy Murphy, and Eric Schneider (2012). "The Colinial Origins of the Divergence in the Americas: A Labor Market Approach".

    Engerman, Stanley and Kenneth Sokoloff (2002). "Factor Endowments, Inequality, and Path of Development among New World Economies".

    Engerman, Stanley and Kenneth Sokoloff (2005). "Colonialism, Inequality, and Long-Run Paths of Development".

    Taylor, Alan and Jeffrey Williamson (1997). "Convergence in the age of mass migration".

  • A Nova História Econômica e a América Latina

    Indicações de leituras:

    Coatsworth, John (2005). "Structures, Endowments, and Institutions in the Economic History of Latrin America".

    Bértola, Luis, Cecilia Castelnovo, Javier Rodríguez, and Henry Willebald (2010). "Between the Colonial Heritage and the First Globalization Boom: On Income Inequality in the Southern Cone".

    Frankema, Ewout (2010). "Reconstructing Labor Income Shares in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, 1870-2000".

    Williamson, Oliver (2000). "The New Institutional Economics: taking stock, looking ahead".

  • Topic 7

  • Topic 8

  • Topic 9

  • Topic 10