Leituras solicitadas em 23/10, para serem discutidas a partir de 06/11:
Chaudiron S., Ihadjadene M., Maredj A. La fragmentation et l’unité documentaire en question, Actes du 16ème Congrès de la SFSIC, 11-13 juin 2008, Compiègne. [PDF na Biblioteca]
Gradmann, Stefan;  Meister, Jan Christoph. Digital document and interpretation: re-thinking "text" and scholarship in electronic settings. Poiesis   Prax (2008) 5:139–153. DOI 10.1007/s10202-007-0042-y. http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs10202-007-0042-y.pdf
Pédauque, Roger T. La redocumentarisation du monde. Toulouse: Cépaduès,   2007. [PDF na Biblioteca]
Leituras já solicitadas, mas ainda não discutidas:

Crane, Gregory. Give us editors! Re-inventing the edition and re-thinking  the humanities. In Online Humanities Scholarship: The Shape of Things to   Come, University of Virginia: Mellon Foundation, 2010-03. http://cnx.org/content/m34316/latest/ 

ACLS (American Council of Learned Societies). Our Cultural Commonwealth:   The Report of the American Council of Learned Societies Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences. New York: American  Council of Learned Societies, 2006. https://www.acls.org/uploadedFiles/Publications/Programs/Our_Cultural_Commonwealth.pdf
Zorich, Diane. A survey of digital humanities centers in the United States. Council on Library and Information Resources. Washington, D.C., 2008. http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub143/pub143.pdf

Modifié le: jeudi 24 octobre 2019, 10:56