Indice degli argomenti

    • Exercise 17: Node.js Mongo Backend

      Upload a JavaScript file named USPnumber1.USPnumber2.js. If you need to upload a file after the deadline, use late.USPnumber1.USPnumber2.js

      Exceptionally, if you alread made the backend in multiple files, you may use a .zip file.

      Write a CRUD implementation for the products in your Online Store using MongoDB. A product must be specified using Mongoose and have a name, slug, description, price, and quantity. There is no need for user authentication. 

      To test, you can use Insomnia or modify the client code below. You can use this implementation with the client code of your store already on GitHub, adding users, orders, etc.

      Tip: The video lesson shows how to implement a CRUD backend (with the GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE HTTP methods) using MongoDB.

      Test app (test.html):

      <!DOCTYPE html>
          <meta charset="UTF-8">
          <title>User Info</title>
          <div id="app">
            <h2>User Information</h2>
            <label>Username</label> <input v-model="username" type="text"> 
            <br> <br>
            <label>Password</label> <input v-model="password" type="text">
            <br> <br>
            <label>Email</label>    <input v-model="email"    type="text">
            <br> <br>
            <label>Address</label>  <input v-model="address"  type="text">
            <br> <br>
            <input type="button" value="Read" @click="read">
            <input type="button" value="Delete" @click="read">
            <input type="button" value="Create" @click="read">
          <script src="">
            new Vue({
              el: "#app",
              data: {
                  username: "john",
                  password: "",
                  email: "",
                  address: ""
              methods: {
                 read: async function() {
         try {
           let resp = await fetch("");
           resp = await resp.json();
           console.log("resp: "+JSON.stringify(resp));
           this.username= resp.username;
           this.password= resp.password;
           this.address= resp.address;
         catch (e) {alert("Error: " + e);}