After its publication as a novel, Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde quickly became a sensational stage play, and the novel and the plays formed the basis for a series of films, which began to be produced in the silent era and
are still being produced today. The novel, however, has always caused its adapters various problems, in part because so much of the action is related by unreliable narrators. Two examples are the ‘acts of violence’ committed by Mr Hyde: the first is the apparent attack on the young girl, described in Chapter 1 (The Story of the Door), and the second is the murder of Danvers Carew, described in Chapter 4 (The Carew Murder Case). The text can be found at
Choose ONE of these two episodes and re-write it in the form of a film script: with directions for action, and dialogue. Before you do that, you will have to read between the lines and make some decisions about what is really happening in the episode you have chosen.
Última modificación: martes, 22 de octubre de 2013, 10:11