Assessment for this course is in four parts:

1. Learning log (20%)

Every week you are asked to write a reflective log responding to the course video & readings, and reporting on your progress with your project. This is an informal 'diary' entry that can raise questions and comments as much as articulating a polished position on the issues.

2. Discussion forum (10%)

Every week you are also asked to initiate and respond to topics on the Discusson Forum. These can be shorter, more discursive points for more general discussion. 

3. Ethnographic project: presentation (10%)

On the final week of the course, you will be asked to give a 10-minute presentation to the class on your ethnographic project (see 4.)

4. Ethnographic project: report (60%)

During the course you are invited to explore an aspect of local culture as a participant-observer. This will involve observing, describing and explaining the chosen aspect through field notes, interviews and the making of a visual record. 

The report will be around 1500-2000 words in length and should be submitted no later than the 2nd December.

Última atualização: domingo, 23 set. 2018, 11:34