In our next class (Mai 15), we will talk about "how to improve your communications skills in English". So, my recommendation is to use one or two topics below to study during the week.

Some suggestions to improve your speaking:

1. Thinking in English (building a voice)

2. Spontaneous speak (informally, social interactions)

3. Understanding the main ideas 

4. Inferring details

5. Thinking skills (cognitive)

6. Thinking about thinking (metacognitive)

7. Word and sentence stress; intonation

8. Take on other's perspectives

9. Listen while speaking (voice tone, silence)

10. Think clearly (organize and connect thoughts)

11. Summarizing, paraphrasing, responding

12. Active listening 

Example of intonation meaning (emphasis to a word)

I was born in Brazil (And you were born somewhere else.)

I was born in Brazil  (Why are you implying that I wasn’t?) 

I was born in Brazil  (I’m a native.) 

I was born in Brazil. (Not in Argentina, for example.) 

Ultime modifiche: sabato, 9 maggio 2020, 14:54