This is an example to help you with your homework about argumentation.

The New Yorker’s coronavirus news coverage and analysis are free for all readers.

(This is a fragment about a conversation between two correspondents – one from Brazil (the answer) and one from US (the question).

Considering what we have been talking about keywords, take a look at this fragment. I first put some words in bold to suggest how these keywords will guide the answer by the Brazilian reporter in the first paragraph. Based on that, it should be easy to repeat the technique in the second paragraph.

Question (New Yorker reporter)

Do you have some sense of how much the coronavirus has spread in Brazil, both geographically and in terms of people?

Answer (Brazilian reporter)

We have a bad case of undertesting. We don’t know all the numbers yet, and there are thousands and thousands of tests with no result. But the last twenty-four hours were a record—over four hundred deaths. The total number of deaths in Brazil is over three thousand, and we have about fifty thousand confirmed cases. But my guess is that it is a lot more. We don’t test enough.

Resume: coronavirus spread in Brazil: bad undertesting, 24h with 400 deaths in a total of 3.000 deaths, 50.000 cases, it should be more.

We have cases in all twenty-seven states, but the main problem is in São Paulo, which is the largest state, and in Rio de Janeiro, but it is starting to get to states like Amazonas, where the rain forest is, and where the public-health system has collapsed. The number of patients in intensive care there is already over capacity. It is starting to spread to other poorer states, which means fewer hospitals and support and less of a presence from government. It is going to be bad.


Some keywords about argumentation. Try to find out how the following “concepts” appear in the suggested exercise about argumentation. For example:

# Values, systems of values

# Facts, opinion (bias – linked minded, validation, reinforcement)

# Beliefs, prejudices

# Person, collective or groupthink (class, ethnicity, country, gender)

# General purposes of argumentation: provoke action and spread beliefs

Last modified: Monday, 27 April 2020, 9:13 PM