Your task: read and explain the verb tenses in bold.

Wondering when lockdown will end, and what a post-COVID-19 world holds for the future of the workplace?

With millions of workers furloughed and others adapting to working remotely, COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation in a number of ways:

  • Businesses are more reliant on technology.
    Efficient communication and collaboration tools are enabling office-based workspaces to thrive, supported by online resources such as our collection of online courses to help facilitate effective remote working and online courses to upskill yourself.

    Digital skills are more in-demand than ever so we’re proud to offer free, online digital skills courses essential for future career development or for you to prepare for the post-COVID world.

  • Healthcare has never been more important.
    Health services around the world have responded bravely to an unprecedented threat, risking themselves for others. To help, new online courses on Tackling the Novel CoronavirusCOVID-19 Critical CareManaging COVID-19 in General Practice and information on Diagnostics and Testing for COVID-19 have collectively helped 222,000 healthcare professionals learn from experts at top universities and institutions.

    What does the future of post-COVID healthcare look like? To protect lives, it’s vital that global health services are prepared and equipped to help. Free online resources enable a global share of vital information, and at times when travel is limited, online learning can bridge this gap.

  • Educators are teaching online.
    The shift to remote tutoring to enable students to keep learning prompted our first-ever in-house produced course How to Teach Online, helping more than 40,000 educators translate their skills to an online setting.

    More ideas, advice and tips on how to teach remotely from top universities and institutions in this collection will continue to help educators use these valuable skills during the lockdown, and beyond.

These professional sectors have something in common, having embraced digital learning as a tool to help overcome a crisis by sharing knowledge and supporting one another. One thing we can be certain about in a post-COVID climate is – the future is definitely digital.

Take a look at these workplace skills courses to upskill yourself, and something new today. 👇

We hope you’re all safe and well,

Lily and the FutureLearn team

Zuletzt geändert: Mittwoch, 15. April 2020, 14:35