Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This page will be updated constantly as new problems and questions arise. Please feel free to inform the facilitators any questions you need answered so that they can be included in the FAQ as well.
1. At times Moodle behaves abnormally |
If you feel that the Moodle interface is behaving abnormally then a simple fix for this is to logout of the Moodle interface and then close all instance of the web browser and re login. The Moodle sessions are maintained using PHP scripts and hence it remembers the earlier instances till the web browser is closed.
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2. Where can I find more information on Moodle? |
3. How can I find out if my web browser is compatible with Moodle? |
Moodle is compatible with most of the well known browsers. It uses server side scripts which are very safe within any browser. The site also lists the compatible browsers. However some of the older versions of the browsers may not support features in Moodle 1.7+, which is the version that you are using. Its best to upgrade the browsers via the internet before you seek additional help.
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4. Is it possible to find a copy of Moodle to be installed in a local server? |
Yes it is possible. Moodle has three components that have to be installed for it to operate. Apache web server, MySQL database, PHP scripting language and the Moodle core installation files. You can read the installation README provided at to carry out the installation. It is also possible to get the above components packaged in a single installer. For example XAMPP is one such installer (search google to get the installer). LAMPS is another installer for the Unix environment.
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5. Where can I get more information on distance education? |
6. I see HTML tags in my Moodle editor. What should I do? |
Moodle uses a scaled down version of a wysiwyg HTML editor. It has two modes. First is the regular text entry mode such as the interface found in MSWORD. The other is HTML text entry mode. The circle in red shows the button that you will use in the editor interface to switch between the two modes. If you see HTML tags in your text that you entered at an earlier location uncheck the circled button. <br> <div style="text-align: center;"> <img vspace="0" hspace="0" border="0" src="highlight.gif" alt="image" title="image" style="height: 51px;" >
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HTML is the authoring software language used on the web. The proper name is the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). It is used for creating web pages.
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8. When I click on a pdf document I see garbage on my screen. What am I doing wrong? |
WHen you click on a link leading to a pdf document the browser will use its pdf plug in to view the pdf document embedded in the browser window. In some cases the pdf versions may be incompatible with the browser plugin. There are two ways in which this can be fixed. Either you have to update your browser plugin or right click on the link and use the "save as" option to save the pdf to "My computer" and then open it by double clicking on it.
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Última atualização: quinta-feira, 26 jun. 2014, 20:23