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"an activity (work) done for others with an economic value and often done on a commercial basis. In this project, we include work done by human beings as well as by automated systems" Goedkoop et al. 1999

Service-dominant logic

Service-dominat logic --> goods are seen as distribution mechanisms for service provision. The value of goods is based on their value-in-use and determined by the customer. Value has not only an economic dimension, but also functional and psychological dimensions . All goods (including raw materials and partly-formed goods) are exchanged for their value-in-use, and until “used up”, goods act as service appliances in the hands of a customer. The role of the supplier then becomes that of a collaborative resource integrator and co-creator of value with the customer.

Kowalkowski, C. (2010). What does a service-dominant logic really mean for manufacturing firms?. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and technology3(4), 285-292.


Servitization is the term given to a transformation where manufacturers increasingly offer services that are tightly coupled to their products (Baines et al., 2007).


Stakeholders are groups or individuals that can affected or can be affected by the organization activities (Freeman, 1984).

FREEMAN, R. Edward. Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Pitman, Boston, MA. 1984.

Stakeholders can be any group or individuals that create and capture economic and non-economic value in the interaction with organizations (Garcia-Castro; Aguilera, 2015).

GARCIACASTRO, Roberto; AGUILERA, Ruth V. Incremental value creation and appropriation in a world with multiple stakeholders. Strategic Management Journal, v. 36, n. 1, p. 137-147, 2015.