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Business capabilities: knowledge + competences + resources accumulated over time (class discussion)

Capability implies an ability to do something and is constituted both by strategies and operational activities (Teece, 2014).

"The ability to add value or achieve objectives in an organization through a function, process, service, or other proficiency." PMI, 2017

Capability (people)

The quality of being capable -- physically or intellectually or legally. An aptitude that may be developed. (

Qualifications (theoretical knowledge) + Ability (class discussion)


The quality of being adequately or well qualified physically and intellectually (

Know how to deliver --> Capability + Atitude (class discussion)


Culture (organizational)

A simple definition for organizational culture is “how things are done around here”. A more complete definition was proposed by Edgar H. Schein:

“organizational culture is the pattern of basic assumptions that a given group has invented, discovered, or developed in learning to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, and that have worked well enough to be considered valid, and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems” (SCHEIN, 1984, p.3).


Someone who pays for goods or services (

"Internal or external stakeholders who benefit from the development of a solution". PMI (2017)