
Coimbatore Krishnarao Prahalad

Date of birth: 1941

Date of dead: 2010

Insitution: University of Michigan

Main themes: business strategies, competences, innovation

Most frequent coauthors: Hamel, G.; Krishnan, M.S.

Three most cited publications: 

PRAHALAD, C. K. e HAMEL, G. "Strategic Intent". Harvard Business Review, p.63-76, May/June, 1985.

PRAHALAD, C. K. e HAMEL, G. "The core competence of the corporation". Harvard Business Review, v. 90, n. 3, p.79-91, May/June, 1990

PHAHALAD, C.k.; KRISHNAN, M. S. "A NOVA ERA DA INOVAÇÃO". Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Elsever, 2008.

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