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    Módulo 3: TICs em Pesquisa

    • Se você é está na pós-graduação, certamente você já fez uso de alguma TIC. Consegue pensar em alguma das que usou e nos mostrar aqui? Você pode usar qualquer formato, vídeo, imagem, link ... meu objetivo e fazer vocês identificarem o que é um uso de tecnologia da informação em pesquisa, que independe do uso de maquinas super sofisticadas e muito investimento financeiro, como parece sugerir o termo "tecnologia" no senso comum.  

      Individualmente, por fv.

    • Neste link vcs vão encontrar o acesso a um pdf de um livro, para download, se quiserem dar uma olhada. 

      No prefácio, um dos organizadores descreve seu objetivo:

      "It was the suspicion that there is a problem (many, actually), that there are serious impediments to the wider and more effective use of information technology in research, that led the Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (COSEPUP) to form the Panel on Information Technology and the Conduct of Research and to charge it to explore the situation and to report its findings, conclusions, and recommendations. I agreed to chair the Panel because, as a scientist turned university administrator and federal official, and a computer illiterate, I was excited by the prospect of learning something of an issue I sense is of paramount importance to the future of the global research enterprise. This report is the result of the Panel's deliberations. Our subject is broad, its literature is scattered, and some of its facets are still more art than science. We cannot claim to have produced the definitive picture of the issue. We hope we have made a case for the importance of understanding and addressing it, and perhaps shed some light on a creature that reminds some of us of the elephant once investigated by an earlier panel." 

    • Indicação do KAUAN

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