HORÁRIO: 17:00 - 20:00
- Cloud Computing: A Hands-on Approach. Bahga & Madisetti. 2014.
- Distributed and Cloud Computing. From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Thing. Kai Hwang, Jack Dongarra, Geofrey Fox.
Artigos Selecionados
- cada tópico corresponde a uma aula
- cada tópico contem as seguintes partes:
- apresentação da aula
- discussão dos artigos
- tarefas
- material adicional: artigos e vídeos complementares
lista de artigos para estudo e alunos responsáveis pelas apresentações.
1a. Aula 16/09/2014
Local: Sala C1-10.
Horário:17:00->18:00 na sala 2 da CAAEL (bloco B, térreo)
18:00 (horário da aula01) na C1-10
Introdução à Disciplina
Apresentação de Eduardo LIma, EMC
Palestra Arquitetura de Cloud Computing Aderente à Estratégia de Negócio da sua Empresa
Palestra de infraestrutura da nuvem USP resumida (somente técnica)
Learning Cloud Computing With Amazon Web Services What Is The Cloud
Apresentação de Eduardo LIma, EMC
2a. Aula 23/09/2014
Local:sala 2 da CAAEL (bloco B, térreo).
Cloud Computing: Conceitos eTecnologias. Virtualização.
Artigos para Leitura:
Brian Hayes. 2008. Cloud computing. Commun.ACM 51, 7 (July 2008), 9-11.
Michael Armbrust, Armando Fox, Rean Griffith, Anthony D. Joseph, Randy Katz, Andy Konwinski, Gunho Lee, David Patterson, Ariel Rabkin, Ion Stoica, and Matei Zaharia. 2010. A view of cloud computing . Commun. ACM. 53, 4 (April 2010), 50- 58.
Kamal Idrissi, H.; Kartit, A; El Marraki, M., A taxonomy and survey of Cloud computing . Security Days (JNS3), 2013 National , vol., no., pp.1,5, 26-27
Aula 01, parte A
Conceitos e Tecnologias
Seminários Tecnológicos - Software Livre nas Nuvens - CISL - 2
EMC Academic Alliance
Virtualization 101
Apresentação sobre o OpenStack no 2013 RedHat Summit. Um vídeo extremamente didático e útil para a 1a. parte prática da disciplina - deployment de uma plataforma openstack sobre um virtualizador em um desktop ou laptop.
Video explicando a instalação do devstack (versão do openstack para desenvolvedores) ICEHOUSE (último release do openstack - 2014 )usando o virtualbox sobre o Windos/IOS/LINUX. Este vídeo é útil para a realização da prática 1.
Video da VMWORLD 2014 apresentando a virtualização hoje de uma forma muito clara.
Publicado em 27/09/2013
When you first approach Xen there are a lot of foreign terms, concepts and nomenclature that can confuse you and make things incomprehensible. In this talk I'll give an overview of Xen that is easy to comprehend for beginners and novices. I'll also demystify the whole setup process and show you how to get Xen up and off the ground in a few easy steps. We'll explore Xen in a user friendly environment where beginner questions and answers are welcomed.
Palestra Convidada - Amazon Web Services. Alcino Pessini Filho. Diretor Encloud Services, parceira oficial Amazon.
Fi-WARE - Continuacao
Apresentacao dos Artigos
documento do Mit discutindo de forma abrangente varios topicos cobertos pela disciplina ate agora, e varios topicos que nao tivemos tempo de abordar.
Como estamos na metade da disciplina, gostaria que todos lessem para discutirmos em classe, visando revisasao dos conceitos e discussao dos topicos nao cobertos.
Apresentacao no "OpenStack Summit April 2013 - Portland, Oregon" focando aspectos relativos à implementação de aplicacoes para CLOUD.
E' uma apresentacao importante para as próximas aulas.
Video referente à apresentação "Building “Cloudy” Apps"
Este vídeo apresenta uma visão arquitetural do módulo Keystone do Openstak e questões realativas à Segurança. Ó Keystone é o primeiro módulo discutido no livro " OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook Second Edition".
Recomendo este livro para uma visão arquitetural do Openstack, bem como aspectos práticos.
Introdução a Programação para Cloud
- Python Para Cloud
- Pyton para Openstack (IAAS)
- Pthon para PAAS (Google Apps)
- Exemplos
Atenção - a versão do Python que iremos usar em aula é o 2.7.8
Recomenda-se levar um notebook para a aula, com o openstack instalado.
Um livro GPL que apresenta Python para pessoas com conhecimentos prévios de programação.
Um material interessante para se aprender a usar o Python para acessar API´s do Openstack através do Python.
18/11/2014 PAAS on OPENSTACK
OpenShift Origin is the open source upstream of OpenShift, the next generation application hosting platform developed by Red Hat. Also known as Platform-as-a-Service, OpenShift takes care of infrastructure, middleware, and management so that you can focus on your app. OpenShift Origin includes support for a wide variety of language runtimes and data layers including Java EE6, Ruby, PHP, Python, Perl, MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
(Fonte: OpenShift Origin Website)
Segurança & Cloud
This paper surveys the works on cloud
security issues, making a comprehensive review of the literature
on the subject. It addresses several key topics, namely
vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks, proposing a taxonomy
for their classification. It also contains a thorough review of the main concepts concerning the security state of cloud environments and discusses several open research topics. -
Publicado em 22 de jul de 2013
( EMC Academic Alliance Techtalk Series )
--- by Smitha Mave, EMC Corp
This course introduces the topic of cloud computing from the security perspective. The student will learn about the basic security concepts and the difference between the Classic Data Center and the Cloud Infrastructure from security standpoint. The course also explains in detail the various security concerns and the threats in cloud environment and concludes with the available security mechanisms to address the concerns and safeguard the cloud infrastructure from these threats -
Published on Nov 7, 2013
Title : Security on Openstack Presenters : Brian Chong Audience : Security Architects or CISO that are looking to deploy Openstack in a Enterprise Datacenter to run SaaS/PaaS/IaaS applications. Objective : This presentation will cover different security concepts that needed to be addressed in an overall Openstack design. Due to the additional control plane elements that are introduced in the messaging tier as well as the API level there are now several new attack vectors that must be considered when desigining your Enterprise Network and Security strategy. In the world of Software Defined Data Center it does not eliminate the need for the physical plane of control (switches, routers, hosts and storage) but it adds a new control plane element which is the Data Center Controller which never existed before. All of the old issues of device managers must be still designed while adding this element without losing the security we had before with separate device element managers. This means a new approach on network design and network segmentation must come into play when designing a security architecture for the future data centers
Published on May 12, 2014
State of OpenStack Security features Robert Clark, Lead Security Architect at HP Cloud Services.
This session will bring the attendee up to date on the current state of the art in OpenStack Security. This talk will start with a high level state of the stack" that covers a review of the security enhancements between Havana and IceHouse as well as a review of current vulnerabilities, advisiories, and open issues. They will then discuss the results of an extensive root cause analysis which will discuss findings on how vulnerabilities happen in OpenStack, and how to make OpenStack a more secure -
Published on May 19, 2014
The rise of public cloud computing has brought with it a new set of security considerations that are not widely understood. With a unique perspective from working on the security systems of a public cloud, Mark describes public cloud service provider and cloud customer threats, including malicious insiders, shared technology, data breaches, and data loss. For each, he assesses the risks and explores the value of mitigations like encryption-at-rest, encryption-in-flight, and other security best practices, separating hype from reality so that you can make educated decisions as your organization moves to the cloud.
The purpose of this study is to examine the state of both cloud computing security in general and OpenStack
in particular. Conducting a reassessment of cloud computing security can provide a greater understanding of
how cloud computing functions and what types of security issues arise therein. This study is divided into
two parts; in the first part, the background of cloud computing and its different deployment models are
discussed. This section also describes various security challenges that affect organizations’ decisions to
adopt cloud computing. In the second part, an overview of the security issues in OpenStack is presented. -
Security on OpenStack. 11/7/2013. Brian Chong – Global Technology Strategist
Trabalho Final