function [Output, Historico] = mmqnl(Input) % MMQNL Non-Linear Least-Squares Method % % [Output] = mmqnl(Input) % [Output, Historico] = mmqnl(Input) % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % About the 'Input' structure arguments. % 'Input' is a structure with the following fields: % % 'x' - Vector or matrix with the experimental data 'xi'. % 'y' - Vector with the experimental data 'yi'. % 'model' - Adopted model (theorical function). % 'beta0' - Vector with initial coefficient values. % 's' - Vector with uncertainties of 'yi'. % 'sx' - Vector with the uncertainties of 'xi'. % 'cor' - [OPTIONAL] Correlation matrix. % 'V' - [OPTIONAL] Covariance matrix. This field replace the data of 's' % and 'cor' fields. % 'J' - [OPTIONAL] Functions to compute the derivates needed for the adjust % planning matrix. % 'MaxItera' - [OPTIONAL] If the model is non-linear, this field declares % the maximum number of iteractions of the gauss routine. The default % number of maximum iteractions is 10. % 'USA_GM' - [OPTIONAL] If the model is non-linear, this field declares % whether the user wants or not to use the Gauss-Marquardt routine. % The default configuration is USA_GM = 1 (TRUE), this way the mmqnl % function always use the Gauss-Marquardt in non-linear functions. % If the user doesn't want to use the Gauss-Maquardt routine, then % he must declare this field as USA_GM = 0 (FALSE). % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % About the 'Output' structure arguments. % 'Output' is a structure with the following fields: % % 'A' - Vector with the adjusted parameters. % 'sA' - Vector with the uncertainties of the adjusted parameters. % 'VA' - Covariance matrix of the adjusted parameters. % 'corA' - Correlation matrix of the adjusted parameters. % 'Q2' - Chi-squared. % 'NGL' - Degrees of Freedom. % 'Q2r' - Reduced Chi-squared (Q2/NGL). % 'probQ2' - Probability of the chi-squared test (the complement of the % chi-squared cumulative distribution function). % 'F' - Yi values calculated throgh the interpolated function. % 'modelo' - Interpolated function calculated throgh the jacobian matrix % (or the given model) and the adjusted parameters. % 'x' - Vector or matrix with the experimental data 'xi'. % 'J' - Matrix of the jacobian J(i,j)=dF(xi)/dAj. % 'y' - Vector with the experimental data 'yi'. % 's' - Vector with the uncertainties of yi. % 'Dif' - Vector with the absolute residual. % 'Res' - Vector with the reduced residual. % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % About the 'Historico' structure arguments. % 'Historico' is an optional structure with the following fields: % % 'n' % 'Iter' % 'Q2' % 'A_atu' % 'A' % 'sA' % 'Q2antes' % 'Lambda' % 'Aceitou' % % This structure is useful only to debug the mmqnl function while % studying the convergence of a non-linear case. % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Prof. Dr. Zwinglio Guimaraes-Filho e Caike Crepaldi % Versao 4.3 - Ultima Modificacao: 08/08/2014 13:07 (Caike) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % O que falta fazer: % * Acrescentar mais modelos teoricos no "banco de dados". % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EH_LINEAR = 0; TEM_J = 0; TEM_modelo = 0; TEM_geraJ = 0; % Beginning of the verifications ------------------------------------------ if isfield(Input,'y') && ~isempty(Input.y) y = Input.y(:); else error('It is necessary to provide the experimental data yi') end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEM_INC_EM_X = 0; if isfield(Input,'Vx') && ~isempty(Input.Vx) TEM_INC_EM_X = 1; Vx = Input.Vx; sx = sqrt( diag(Vx) ); %#ok<*NASGU> else if isfield(Input,'sx') && ~isempty( TEM_INC_EM_X = 1; sx =; else if isfield(Input,'corx') && ~isempty(Input.corx) sx = 1; else sx = 0; end end if length(sx)==1 sx = repmat( sx, size(y) ); end if isfield(Input,'corx') && ~isempty(Input.corx) TEM_INC_EM_X = 1; corx = Input.corx; Vx = (sx*sx').*corx; elseif TEM_INC_EM_X Vx = diag( sx.^2 ); end end if (~TEM_INC_EM_X) || (max(max(abs(Vx-diag(diag(Vx)))))<10*eps) TEM_CORRELACAO_EM_X = 0; else TEM_CORRELACAO_EM_X = 1; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if isfield(Input,'V') && ~isempty(Input.V) Vy = Input.V; sy = sqrt( diag(Vy) ); else if isfield(Input,'s') && ~isempty(Input.s) sy = Input.s(:); elseif (TEM_INC_EM_X==0) || ( isfield(Input,'cor') && ~isempty(Input.cor) ) sy = 1; else sy = 0; end if length(sy)==1 sy = repmat( sy, size(y) ); end if isfield(Input,'cor') && ~isempty(Input.cor) cory = Input.cor; Vy = (sy*sy').*cory; else Vy = diag( sy.^2 ); end end if max(max(abs(Vy-diag(diag(Vy)))))<10*eps TEM_CORRELACAO_EM_Y = 0; else TEM_CORRELACAO_EM_Y = 1; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if isfield(Input,'x') && ~isempty(Input.x) x = Input.x; if length(size(x))==2 && min(size(x,1))==1 x = x(:); end else x = (1:length(y)).'; end if isfield(Input,'model') && ~isempty(Input.model) model = Input.model; TEM_modelo = 1; if ~isa(model, 'function_handle') && model(1)=='#' if length(model)>4 && strcmpi( model(2:4), 'pol' ) EH_LINEAR = 1; if model(5)~='[' grau = str2double( model(5:end) ); if grau<0 expoentes = 0:grau; else expoentes = abs(grau):-1:0; end else expoentes = str2num( model(5:end) ); %#ok end modelo = @(A,x)( repmat(x(:),[1 length(A)]).^repmat(expoentes(:).',[length(x) 1])*A(:) ); NParam = length( expoentes ); geraJ = @(qual,A,x)( x.^expoentes(qual) ); TEM_geraJ = 1; end else modelo = model; end end if isfield(Input,'J') && ~isempty(Input.J) J = Input.J; EH_LINEAR = 1; TEM_J = 1; NParam = size(J,2); if ~TEM_modelo modelo = @(A,x)J*A; end elseif ~TEM_modelo error( 'It is necessary to provide either the model or the jacobian (J)' ) end if isfield(Input,'beta0') && ~isempty(Input.beta0) A_atu = Input.beta0(:); NParam = length( A_atu ); if sum( isnan(A_atu) )==size(A_atu) EH_LINEAR = 1; end A_atu( isnan(A_atu) ) = 1; else EH_LINEAR = 1; if ~exist('NParam','var') if isfield(Input,'NParam') && ~isempty(Input.NParam) NParam = Input.NParam; else NParam = input( 'How many parameters?' ); end end A_atu = zeros( NParam, 1 ); end if isfield(Input,'MaxIter') && ~isempty(Input.MaxIter) MaxIter = Input.MaxIter; else MaxIter = 100; % Default maximum number of iteractions end if isfield(Input,'MaxTime') && ~isempty(Input.MaxTime) MaxTime = Input.MaxTime; else MaxTime = 30; % Default maximum time for iteractions end if isfield( Input,'USA_GM') && ~isempty(Input.USA_GM) USA_GM = Input.USA_GM; else USA_GM = 1-EH_LINEAR; end if nargout>=2 Historico.n = 0; end % End of the verifications ------------------------------------------------ NDados = length(y); NGL = NDados - NParam; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GM_L0 = 1e-4; GM_DL_ok = 0.01; GM_DL_bad = sqrt(10); GM_Lmax = 1e3; GM_Lfinal = 1e-9; GM_Lmin = 1e-9; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEM_CORRELACAO = TEM_CORRELACAO_EM_X + TEM_CORRELACAO_EM_Y; CONVERGIU = 0; Lambda = GM_L0; Iter = 0; TEMPO_INI = cputime; while( (Iter1) || (mean(A_atu==0)<1) dx = 1e-5; dFdx = (modelo( A_atu, x+dx )-modelo( A_atu, x ))/dx; else [ xSort, indSort ] = unique( x ); ySort = y(indSort); dydxSort = diff(ySort)./diff(xSort); xdydxSort = (xSort(1:end-1)+xSort(2:end))/2; dFdx = interp1( xdydxSort, dydxSort, x, 'linear', 'extrap'); end VxREB = (dFdx*dFdx.').*Vx; else VxREB = zeros(size(Vy)); end V = VxREB + Vy; s = sqrt(diag(V)); TEM_CORRELACAO = TEM_CORRELACAO_EM_X + TEM_CORRELACAO_EM_Y; end if EH_LINEAR Y = y; else F = modelo( A_atu, x ); Y = y - F; end if ~EH_LINEAR || ~TEM_J if TEM_geraJ for qP = 1 : NParam J(:,qP) = geraJ( qP, A_atu, x ); end else F0 = modelo( A_atu, x ); for qP = 1 : NParam A_mais = A_atu; A_mais(qP) = A_mais(qP) + 1e-3*abs(A_mais(qP)) + 10*sqrt(eps); J(:,qP) = (modelo(A_mais,x) - F0)/(A_mais(qP)-A_atu(qP)); end end TEM_J = 1; end if TEM_CORRELACAO == 0 Js = J./(s*ones(1,NParam)); JiVJ = ( Js.'*Js ); else invV = V\eye(NDados); % JiVJ = ( J.' * invV * J ); JiVJ = ( J.' * ( V \ J ) ); end VA = JiVJ \ eye(NParam); % Checks if the correction of the parameters will be accepted. ACEITOU = 0; if USA_GM if Iter==1 if TEM_CORRELACAO == 0 Q2 = sum( ( (y-F)./s ).^2 ); else % Q2 = (y-F).' * invV * (y-F); Q2 = (y-F).' * ( V \ (y-F) ); end end Q2antes = Q2; end while( ACEITOU==0 ) ACEITOU=1; if USA_GM==0 || Lambda==0 JiVJef = JiVJ; VAef = VA; else JiVJef = JiVJ + Lambda*diag( diag(JiVJ) ); VAef = JiVJef \ eye(NParam); end if TEM_CORRELACAO == 0 % A = VAef * Js.' * (Y./s); A = JiVJef \ ( Js.' * (Y./s) ); else % A = VAef * J.' * invV * Y; A = JiVJef \ ( J.' * ( V \ Y ) ); end if EH_LINEAR F = modelo( A, x ); else F = modelo( A_atu + A, x ); end if TEM_CORRELACAO == 0 Q2 = sum( ( (y-F)./s ).^2 ); else % Q2 = (y-F).' * invV * (y-F); Q2 = (y-F).' * ( V \ (y-F) ); end if nargout>=2 Historico.n = Historico.n + 1; n = Historico.n; Historico.EH_LINEAR = EH_LINEAR; Historico.TEM_J = TEM_J; Historico.J{n} = J; Historico.TEM_INC_EM_X = TEM_INC_EM_X; Historico.TEM_CORRELACAO = TEM_CORRELACAO; Historico.TEM_CORRELACAO_EM_Y = TEM_CORRELACAO_EM_Y; Historico.TEM_CORRELACAO_EM_X = TEM_CORRELACAO_EM_X; Historico.Iter(n) = Iter; Historico.Q2(n) = Q2; Historico.A_atu(:,n) = A_atu; Historico.A(:,n) = A; Historico.sA(:,n) = sqrt( diag(VA) ); end if USA_GM if (Q2<=Q2antes) || ((abs(Q2-Q2antes)/(Q2antes+1e-15))<1e-3) if Lambda>GM_Lmin Lambda = Lambda*GM_DL_ok; end else if Lambda=2 Historico.Q2antes(n) = Q2antes; Historico.Lambda(n) = Lambda; Historico.ACEITOU(n) = ACEITOU; end end end % Checks if the adjustment has already converged. if (EH_LINEAR) && (TEM_INC_EM_X==0) CONVERGIU = 1; else if (Iter>1) && ( (USA_GM==0) || (Lambda<=GM_Lfinal) ) if EH_LINEAR dA = A - A_atu; else dA = A; end if ( sum(abs(dA)./sqrt(diag(VA)) ) < (1e-2*sqrt(Q2/NGL)) ) || ... ( sum(abs(dA)./sqrt(diag(VA)) ) < 1e-15 ) CONVERGIU = 1; end end if EH_LINEAR A_atu = A; else A_atu = A_atu + A; A = A_atu; end end end sA = sqrt( diag(VA) ); corA = VA ./ ( sA *(sA.') ); % Creating the Output structure ------------------------------------------- Output.Input = Input; Output.A = A; Output.sA = sA; Output.VA = VA; Output.corA = corA; Output.Q2 = Q2; Output.NGL = NGL; Output.Q2r = Q2 / NGL; Output.probQ2 = 1 - chi2cdf( Q2, NGL ); Output.x = x; Output.y = y; Output.s = s; Output.F = F; Output.Dif = y - F; % residuo absoluto Output.Res = Output.Dif ./ s; % residuo reduzido Output.modelo = modelo; Output.Iter = Iter; Output.V = V;