Opções de inscrição

Ecommerce has raised many issues such as consumers’ protection, validity and enforceability of econtracts, security within online payments, among others. Because of that traditional contractual doctrine must be concerned with specific characteristics  of online contracting. This curse focuses on such topic in order to highlight some aspects to be addressed by Brazilian contractual doctrine and consumer protection law. Thus, this course aims at analyzing the online contracting regarding comparative law, specific Commonwealth case law and some of its statutes. In addition, it intends to discuss how such problems could be addressed by Brazilian courts due regard being taken that there is no specific law about ecommerce. In a nutshell  the purpose of this course  is to provide students with an up- to- date doctrine concerning ecommerce in order to prepare them to face conflicts regarding this subject.  It will bring the real opportunity of international integration given that ecommerce knows no geographic limits neither language barriers.  In view of that it is important that students have contact with comparative law and Brazilian law regarding online contracting.

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