
Authors [editar]

João Pedro Santos de Moura and Wander Almeida Limeira

Description [editar]

The NanoTec-RAM method was developed by Embrapa aiming to analyse the risks involving nanotechnologies in agriculture field. This method uses specific risk indicators and quantitative ponderation factors to evaluate the risks. From this method and its evaluation matrix, it is possible to recommend actions to allow the introduction of a nanotechnology in a given environment. Currently electronic sheets have been used for this process. To support this decision-make process and to ease the information retrieval for this analysis, the NanotecRAM project main goal is, by using web semantics concepts, provide a better experience to the domain experts responsible for this analysis.

Goal [editar]

To develop an ontology that will be used in the application and validate it with an application prototype which will be delivered to domain experts for evaluation via quiz.

Schedule [editar]

External Gantt diagram