Weekly outline
- Test 1: 19/10/2017.
- Test 2: 07/12/2017.
- REC: 12/01/2018 às 14:00 horas sala 4001
- REC2: 02/03/2018 às 14:00 horas sala 3011
Final grading = (Tests + Modules)/2
Note: You need to have a minimum grade of 5 on tests and homework (modules). If you have less than 5 in one of them, the smallest grade will be your final grade.
Students also receive credit for participation that will be added to the final grading. Those credit can be earned for participation in online or classroom discussions, proposals in the classroom, etc. Each credit is worth initially 0.05 but this value can be increased during the course (credits already earned also increase).
Quick Tests:
The quick testes have only 2 questions and replace two Test questions. This substitution is optional, students can abdicate this note and answer all the Test questions. There will be two Quick Tests to be scheduled during the course.
The modules have a predefined date for delivery, after this date the module will only be worth half as much. To deliver a given module, the student must first deliver the previous modules, even though delayed, or else the new module will not be corrected (the second module will not be penalized by the first delay). At any time, a student can retake a module to improve his\her grade (but if it was originally delivered late, it is worth only half).
You will fail the course if you do not attend at least 70% of the classes. If you are sick (or in other cases allowed by USP rules) that absence will not be counted. For sickness, the student has to provide a medical certificate to the university (ask at the graduate office how to do this).Remember!: It is the student responsibility to sign the presence list. The list will be available in all classes.
- September 7th - Semana da Pátria
- October 12th - Padroeira do Brasil
- November 2nd - Finados
- Nello Cristianini, N.; Hahn, M. "Introduction to Computational Genomics: A Case Studies Approach”, Cambridge, 2007
- Book site: www.computational-genomics.net
Other Books:
- Jones, J.; Pevzner, P. "An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms”, MIT Press, 2004.
- Setubal J. C.; Meidanis J. "Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology", Brooks/Cole Pub Co, 1997.
- Lesk, A. "Introdução a Bioinfromática”, Artmed, 2007.
Discipline on Jupiter Web:
TA (Teaching Assistants):
- Monitor: Rodrigo Geurgas Zavarizz (rodrigo.zavarizz @ usp . br)
- :00 - :00 (monitoring) (Sala )
- Test 1: 19/10/2017.
Holiday: Semcomp.
Material: Introdução ao R e Bioconductor
Other sites with ports of Bioconductor: BioPython and BioJava.
Holiday: Semana da Pátria.
Holiday: Padroeira do Brasil.
Holiday: Finados.
- No classes
Second Test.