These activities are listed in alphabetical order. You have to insert them in the poster of innovation management activities into the appropriate main-activity (group). For that, you have to know which is the content of each activity. Thus, you classify this activity in the following groups: search, select, implement and learn

  1. Assessment of competence (clear leader, strong, favorable leadership in technical niches, tenable, weak)
  2. Assessment of competitive position
  3. Choosing acquisition method (Purchasing technology, Contracted-out R&D, Licensing, Alliances, Merge and acquisition  - M&A)
  4. Classification (S-curve)
  5. Contract preparation and negotiation
  6. Develop potential decision alternatives.
  7. Dimensions: facilities and equipment, personal skill, organizational capabilities and management capabilities for R&D
  8. Documenting and disseminating the information
  9. Evaluation of technology in-house
  10. External acquisition
  11. External contract out manufacture or marketing to others (commercialization, marketing)
  12. Finding technology suppliers
  13. Forecasting technology, markets and external environment (expert opinion, scenario building, delphi technique, patent analysis, value analysis, roadmapping, S-curves)
  14. Identification of organizational capabilities
  15. Identify priorities and develop a business case to improve utilization
  16. Identify the core technology competencies the company wants to develop
  17. Impact assessment
  18. Internal acquisition (R&D portfolio management, New product / service development, New process development)
  19. Joint venture
  20. Licensing out / technology transfer
  21. Managing long-term collaboration
  22. Maturity (embryonic, growth, mature, ageing)
  23. Measure tech utilization / performance
  24. Open innovation
  25. Patenting
  26. People retention
  27. Positioning
  28. Protect assets
  29. Reverse innovation (a set of innovations for emerging / developing countries to fill gaps)
  30. Select buy-make-collaborate option for each technology they have or plan to have
  31. Strategic analysis of the results from identification.
  32. Targeting (to innovators, early adopters, early majority adopters, late adopters, laggards)
  33. Technology auditing
  34. Technology transfer
  35. Technology utilization (internal employment)



Ultime modifiche: domenica, 22 settembre 2019, 23:18