Course Assessment and Grading

The purpose of this training is to certify participants as online tutors and mentors. Therefore, it is expected that participants will participate in the course activities and complete the assignments.

Description of Assignments and Grading:

Week Assessment Description Activity Weight
1 Pre-course Activities Edit profile
Mutual Interests
Complete demographics and learner characteristics survey
Initiate the online 
Reflective Journal activity.


1 Module 1: Paradigm shift to online tutoring/facilitating/moderating Forum on my learning and teaching experience
Forum on Learning Challenge
1 Module 2: The role of an online tutor mentor and necessary skills and qualifications

Chat 1 – Online tutor/mentor roles and responsibilities
Chat 2 – Online tutor mentor qualifications

2 Module 3: Building an online learning community and creating the social environment Designing a Community building activity 5%
2 Module 4: Facilitating Interaction

Three Interactive activities
1. Creating interactivity
2. Getting tutors involved
3. Improving participation

2 Module 5: Collaborative learning and team building online Collaborative problem solving activity 5%
3 Module 6: Facilitating knowledge construction Online Reflective Journal activity  
3-5 Module 7: e-Mentoring

1.Forum activity
2.Problem Solving Activity
3.Writing a report using Wiki

Collaborative online group activity 
(15% group grade, and 10% individual grade = 25% total)

3 Module 8: Assessing Learning & providing feedback Assessment grid exercise 5%
4 Module 9: Providing Learner Support Developing a learner support system 5%
4 Module 10: Conducting Practical Course Components at a 
Distance and Virtual Labs
Reflective Assignment 5%
5 Module 11: Orienting students to online learning and Moodle Online Reflective Journal activity  
6 Module 12: Cultural Issues Related to Learning and Communication Group Activity 5%
6 Module 13: Ethics of Online Learning Group Activity 5%
6 Module 14: Monitoring and Evaluating Tutors/Mentors Online Reflective Journal activity  
1-6 Online Reflective Journal activity   10%
1-6 Participation & evaluation activities   5%
  Total:   100%

1. Higher order thinking skills: the ability to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate 
2. Effective communication skills - the ability to get information across effectively
3. Collaborative learning skills - the ability to work effectively in a group
4. Self-direction and motivation
5. Professional commitment - (a sense of responsibility, meeting deadlines, etc.)

Grading Scale

A+ A B+ B C+ C D F
90 to 100% 80 to 89% 75 to 79% 70 to 74% 65 to 69% 60 to 64% 50 to 59% 0 - 49%

Participants who successfully complete the learning activities and online assignments according to established criteria, and achieve a grade of B and above will be certified as Online Tutors by the Open University of Sri Lanka. Those who perform exceptionally well and demonstrate the ability to be trainers achieving a grade of A+, will be certified as Trainers of Online Tutors and Mentors.

Last modified: Thursday, 26 June 2014, 8:02 PM