3. What to observe

The strategy is to observe closely all these curves from each state and picture the actual situation.
  • How to read fitted curves:
    1. Observe how close are the last fitted curves;
    2. Observe the root mean square (rms) deviations;
    3. Observe the intensity and frequency of oscillations (waves);
    4. Observe how far is the final flattening.
  • How to read growth rate curves:
    1. Observe how intense is the speedy \(V\) and the acceleration $A$;
    2. Observe how many waves;
    3. Observe the sign of the acceleration $A$ at the end;
    4. Observe the behavior of the inflection point $i_{p}$.
Horizontal inflection points $i_{p}$ indicate stability. Negative acceleration $A$ is necessary to achieve stability. Nonetheless, it is important to say that despite the (weak) evidences presented below, any prediction here is not to be taken for granted.