Topic outline
i. You work for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and you need to decide whether or not to grant a precautionary measure in the hypothetical case presented in the attached file, that is to say, you should decide whether ordering to stop or not projects allegedly affecting human rights of an indigenous community and explain the reasons.
ii. You should justify your decision making reference to international instruments, positioning of human rights bodies, and doctrine. The text should not exceed 1.200 words and must be written individually.
iii. The document must be persuasive and the product of the work of the author only. Any copy from the internet or any other kind of plagiarism will imply in a grade 0.
iv. Please take into account that precautionary measures aim to protect human rights in serious and urgent situations, where an irreparable damage must be prevented (Article 25 of the Rules of Procedure of the IACHR). Precautionary measures do not entail a prejudgment of international responsibility of the State.
v. Your positioning should be posted in the Moodle by November 20, as well as sent by e-mail to and
Class agenda:
1 – Professor Alberto’s Lecture: Introduction on Dispute Settlement
2 – Teaching Assistants: General Information about Classes, Lectures and Assessment
Class agenda:
1 – Professor Alberto's Lecture: International Law Courts and Tribunals: International Court of Justice (ICJ), International Criminal Court (ICC), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)
2 – Teaching Assistants - Case debate: CIDH - Favela Nova Brasília (Brasil)Required reading:
AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Capítulo 06 - Solução Pacífica de Controvérsias
LANG, Andrew. The role of the International Court of Justice in a Context of Fragmentation
Class agenda:
1 – Professor Alberto's Lecture: International Law Courts and Tribunals: International Court of Justice (ICJ), International Criminal Court (ICC), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) - Part II
2 – Teaching Assistants - Case debate: CIDH - Favela Nova Brasília (Brasil) - Part IIRequired reading:
AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Capítulo 06 - Solução Pacífica de Controvérsias
LANG, Andrew. The role of the International Court of Justice in a Context of Fragmentation
(disponíveis no tópico acima)
Class agenda:
1 – Professor Alberto's Lecture: Dispute Settlement
2 – Teaching Assistants - Case debate - Gomes Lund (Guerrilha do Araguaia) x Brasil
Required reading:
AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Capítulo 06 - Solução Pacífica de Controvérsias
Class agenda:
1 – Professor Alberto's Lecture: International Criminal Court - ICC and Interamerican System of Human Rights.
2 – Teaching Assistants - Case debate - Fazenda Brasil Verde
Required reading:
AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Chapter 16 – A proteção internacional dos direitos humanos.
University’s Recess – There will be no classes
Class agenda:
1 – Professor Alberto's Lecture: Dispute Settlement on WTO
2 – Teaching Assistants – Case debate: Barrios Altos x Peru
Required reading:
AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Capítulo 14 – Direito Internacional Econômico: Organização Mundial do Comércio: Gênese, Estrutura Institucional, Solução de Controvérsias.
Class agenda:
1 – Professor Alberto's Lecture: Dispute Settlement on World Trade Organization - WTO and introduction to MERCOSUR
2 – Teaching Assistants - Last Temptation of Christ - Olmedo-Bustos et al. v. Chile
Required reading:
AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Capítulo 15 – O Direito da Integração: MERCOSUL e União Europeia.
Due to Professor Peter Tobias Stoll lectures (folders attached), there will not be regular classes on September 29th, but student's attendance will be considered at the lecture of that day, in Congregation Room.
Class agenda:
1 – Professor Alberto's Lecture: Inter-American Court of Human Rights
2 – Teaching Assistants - Case debate (to be determined)
Required reading:
(to be determined)
University’s Recess – There will be no classes.
University's recess (closed).
Class agenda:
1 – Professor Alberto's Lecture: MERCOSUR
2 – Teaching Assistants - Case debate (to be determined)
Required reading:
AMARAL JUNIOR, Alberto. Curso de Direito Internacional Público – Capítulo 15 – O Direito da Integração: MERCOSUL e União Europeia.
Class agenda:
1 – Professor Alberto's Lecture: The efficiency of the Inter-American Human Rights System II
2 – Teaching Assistants - Case debate - Gonzáles et al x Mexico (Campo Algodonero / Cotton Field)
Required reading:
CONTESSE, Jorge. Inter-American constitutionalism and judicial backlash.
Class agenda:
1 – Professor Alberto's Lecture: conflict of jurisdiction and course's general review
2 – Teaching Assistants - Case debate - Precautionary Measure n. 382/10 - AHE Belo Monte (file attached)