Opções de inscrição

This proposal describes a short course on the topic of spatiotemporal analysis and modeling of Earth surface processes. The course would cover the fundamental characteristics of a variety of spatiotemporal processes spanning topics relevant to both Human and Physical Geography, as well as Ocean, Atmospheric and Terrestrial Geosciences. Simple, but powerful, mathematical tools can be used for both the analysis and modeling of spatiotemporal processes – easily implemented on personal computers and mobile devices. The course will provide the theoretical and mathematical basis for these tools in a series of lectures. The ideas will be put to use in a laboratory setting with a series of analytical and modeling exercises that can incorporate individual student research projects. Student evaluation will be based on take-home examinations for the lecture series and presentation of project results in the laboratory. In terms of background and preparation, the course would be designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate students with background in Human or Physical Geography as well as engineering and the geosciences. Basic university level science and mathematics background the only prerequisite preparation
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