Indice degli argomenti
A escrita acadêmica tem uma forma e estilo próprios. Ela é fundamental para a qualidade e aceitação de um trabalho na comunidade científica.
Essa forma tem alguma variação a depender da abordagem onto-epistemológica e do Journal, mas a macro estrutura é geralmente a mesma.
Veja a pasta de leitura, mas vá em busca desse entendimento através da leitura atenda de cada artigo e da prática da escrita.- Barney (2018). Editor`s comments: positioning a theory paper for publication. 43 (3), 345-348.
Sobre formato de referência e citação há diferentes estilos: APA; Chicago; Harvard; ABNT etc - identifique o estilo da revista.
1. Zupic, Ivan and Cater, Tomaz. 2015. Bibliometric methods in management and organization. Organizational Research Methods, 18(3), pp. 429-472. ISSN 1094-42812. Facin,A. F., Barboosa, A.P.F.P.L, Matsumoto, C., Cruz, A.F.G.C, Salerno, M. (2022). Temas de destaque na pesquisa em transformação digital: evidências de estudo bibliométrico e análise de conteúdo. Revista de Administração de Empresasm 62(6), 1-22. -
- Curso:
- Background: Ragin, C. (2008). Redesigning Social Inquiry. University of Chicago Press. (a great book that gives you a good overview over the background in QCA)
- Differenças entre QCA e CNA: Swiatczak, M. D. (2022). Different algorithms, different models. Quality & Quantity, 56, 193-1937.
- An overview over mixed methods with QCA and statistics: Meuer, J., & Rupietta, C. (2017). A Review of Integrated QCA and Statistical Analyses. Quality & quantity, 51(5), 2063-2083.;
- Large and Small n: Greckhamer, T., Misangyi, V., & Fiss, P. (2013). The Two Qcas: From a Small to a Large-N Set Theoretic Approach. In P. Fiss, B. Cambre, & A. Marx (Eds.), Configurational Theory and Methods in Organizational Research. Emerald Publishing.
- Sobre variáveis omissas: Radaelli, CM; Wagemann, C. (2018). What did I leave out? Omitted variables in regression and qualitative comparative analysis. European Political Science. (veja na pasta)
- Livro texto: Schneider, C. ; Wagemann, C. (2018). Set-Theoretic Methods for Social Science: A guide to Qualitative Comparative Analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press. (veja na pasta)
Link livro Adrian Dusa:
- Artigos ESA:
2. Melo et al. (2020) (Aplicação de ESA em contexto de criação de funcão). IJPM. -
- Vídeos
What’s next? Useful NCA resources to help you write your first (or second) NCA paper.
If you are keen to learn more about NCA, the NCA website is a great place to start. The website provides a detailed description of NCA, its philosophy, and methodological application. It also offers an overview of NCA publications, NCA events and workshops, and more information about the NCA software. The Frequently Asked Questions section can be helpful too.
There are several publications that offer a step-by-step explanation of NCA and its application:
Dul, J. (2016). Necessary condition analysis (NCA): Logic and methodology of “necessary but not sufficient” causality. Organizational Research Methods, 19(1), 10–52.
1094428115584005 Dul, J. (2020) Conducting Necessary Condition Analysis. Mastering Business Research Methods Series, London: Sage Publications
Dul, J. (2021). Advances in Necessary Condition Analysis. https://bookdown.
org/ncabook/advanced_nca2/ -