Slave Emancipation in the United States


The defeat of the southern Confederacy in the American Civil War (1861-1865) brought an end to slavery in the United States and the demise of the most powerful slaveholding ruling class anywhere in the 19th century world. While among former slaves the overthrow of their masters brought hope for a new, more equal and democratic society, their adversaries aimed instead to hold on to the racial and class hierarchies that had prevailed under the old order. This antagonism drove one of the most explosive periods of social upheaval in all of US history, with an outcome that laid the foundations for the modern United States. Exploring the process of slave emancipation in the period of the American Civil War and Reconstruction, this seminar will seek to understand the persistence of race in the 21st century United States.

Schedule and location:

10am-1pm on Tuesday March 20, Wednesday March 21 and Thursday March 21


All readings are in English and available in .pdf format at the discpline`s Moodle site.