- Docente Avançado: Aparecida Maria Fontes
- Docente: Greice Lubini
- Docente: David de Jong
- Docente Avançado, Docente: Silvana Giuliatti
RGM5928 - Use of Academic English in Scientific Communication for Manuscripts and Oral Presentations - October 2021
OBJECTIVE: The development and refinement of the skills of scientific communication in English (both written and oral), through practical exercises and interaction with other students and the faculty.
CO-ORDINATOR: Prof. Jeremy Andrew Squire
MONITOR: William Lautert Dutra
Please keep 14:00 -18:00 on Tuesdays 05/10/20, 12/10/20, 19/10/20 and 26/10/20 for our online classes, discussion groups and evaluations.
The following topics will be addressed by video lectures, practical exercises, and interactive class discussions:
1. Consideration of the goals, objectives and content of this course. The nature of scientific communication. Specific features of communicating research findings in English. Definitions of terms, purpose of the various class exercises, evaluation.
2. The general format of the scientific paper: history, rationale, variations. How to "get the most'' out of reading/ digesting a paper.
3. Writing a research proposal (general guidelines). Types of grants: strategic, collaborative, exchange, operating, infrastructure, conference, equipment etc. Style, format, content, sequence, budget justification.
4. Manuscript writing. Journal appropriateness, what an editor or reviewer is looking for, their responsibilities and the decision process. Uses and dangers of Google translate. Ethics and plagiarism. How to proofread English manuscripts. Responding to supervisor's comments.Taking reviewer criticism positively.
5. Reviewing/ refereeing papers for a Journals' referee guides; general and specific criticism; the value of critique and positive suggestions.
6. Writing part of your thesis in English. The options in plan/ style/ format. Drafts and completion, responding to your supervisor.
7. Writing a resume in English. How to achieve impact. Format, style, sequence, summary.
8. Application e-mails for working in USA and other English-speaking countries. Online (SKYPE, Whatsapp, ZOOM etc.) interview techniques for a postdoc or internship in English-speaking country.
9. Preparation of a Poster for a Conference in English. Preparation of an Oral Conference Presentation in English. Replying to questions: how to address questions.
10. Preparing short talks and journal clubs. Use of English in slides and powerpoint presentations.
11. Longer oral presentations in English: Seminars, undergraduate lectures, graduate lectures. Using video sessions or YouTube recordings in English.
12. The final oral examination; preparation, expectation. The comprehensive written examination.
Form of Evaluation:
Students must communicate only in English throughout the course (includes online messages and all oral presentations).
Students will be assessed based on the quality of their academic English and on completing all the assignments (written and oral) on time.
Students will be assessed based on their participation in all aspects and exercises of the Discipline. A satisfactory classification will depend on the completion of all assignments for the classes. The grade will be based on the following:
A. Outline of your project 10%
B. Short oral presentation of your project and response to questions 20%
C. Critical review of English in scientific articles 20%
D. Quality of English in written research proposal and c.v. 20%
E. Overall class participation 30%
⁃ Initiate conversation on topic
⁃ respond to question
⁃ engage in dialogue with other students
F. TOTAL 100%
Academic Writing -A Handbook for International Students by Stephen Bailey 3rd Edition 2011, Routledge.
- Docente: Camila Morais Melo
- Docente: Jeremy Andrew Squire
- Docente: Tiago Campos Pereira
- Docente: Celso Teixeira Mendes Junior