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Let’s talk about Digital Security:
How your protection impacts our research

Afonso Ferreira

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – CNRS
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse


Max, a friend of mine, is a software researcher. Four years ago, in 2018, he became very upset. The
reason was a new four-letter word that came to haunt him: GDPR – the European Union’s General Data
Protection Regulation, which was published in 2016 and started to be applied in May 2018.
The GDPR was probably the first European legislation to have so big an impact on the software industry,
and hence on my friend Max’s research and funding. He was distressed because the many rules imposed
by the GDPR implied that large chunks of his clever programmes had to be rewritten; that his systems
running at partner organizations had to be redesigned; that the several data-bases they used had to be
put under the oversight of several different people – under contractual obligations to do so –; that this
whole set had to be more strictly protected; and that new compliance departments had to be created,
transferring a large part of his partners’ research budgets to the hiring of yet more lawyers.
This example shows a real necessity facing us, researchers in Computer Science, since 2018: to be aware
of upcoming EU legislation in the area of digital technologies, so that when they are promulgated the
software that are in ideation/design/development/test/etc are fully compliant and will not need new
research effort to become so. Had Max been aware of GDPR when it was proposed in 2011, all his work
would have taken the GDPR-to-be into consideration from the onset, and he would not have been so
unsettled when the regulation finally entered into application.
In this multidisciplinary talk we’ll show that there is much more to the EU digital security legislation
landscape than the sole GDPR, and how our research is consequently heavily impacted. This talk will be
of interest to researchers in many areas, including (not exclusively) Computer Sciences, Engineering,
Social Sciences, and Digital Law.

About the speaker:
About the author: Afonso Ferreira, PhD, is Head of European Digital Matters and senior researcher at
the French CNRS, a research institution that is home to more than 20 Nobel prizes. He is leading his lab
in two European projects at the nexus of digital technologies, policy and regulation, and foresight,
focussing in the areas of Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence.
Afonso worked 12 years in European Institutions, including the European Commission, and in 2021 he
advised the CNRS in the elaboration of its European strategy, guiding its 30.000 staff to consolidate its
position as the largest recipient of H2020 funds.
He is also Head of Consulting at Digital Skippers Europe, where he shares his strategic thinking and
strong experience in the Digital Revolution and geopolitics to help private and public actors to navigate
the intricate European digital technologies policy-scape. Digital Skippers Europe clients include Asian,

Middle-Eastern, and South-American companies, national Research & Innovation Agencies, and the
European Commission. Afonso has published more than 150 papers at the forefront of scientific

Ultime modifiche: mercoledì, 15 marzo 2023, 22:03