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Índice e como acessar a base HistCite - FAQ



  1. HISTa - O que é o Histcite?

  2. HISTb - Qual o site do Histcite?

  3. HISTc - Qual o link para fazer o download do Histcite?

  4. HISTd - Como instalo o Histcite?

  5. HISTe - Posso usar no browser Chrome?

  6. HISTf - Posso usar no browser Firefox?

  7. HISTg - Onde existe um manual do Histcite?

  8. HISTh - Gráfico de autores no histcite

  9. HISTi - Gráfico de periódicos no histcite

  10. HISTj - Gráfico de produção anual de artigos no histcite

  11. HISTk - Tabela de artigos mais citados

  12. HISTl - Gráfico de citações longitudinalmente vídeo

  13. HISTm - Gráfico de citações de artigos por ano

  14. HISTn - Como ajustar o arquivo gerado pelo WOS para que possa ser lido pelo histcite?

  15. HISTo–Sou obrigado a criar uma pasta no C: com o nome de fakepath 

HISTCITE tutoriais:
Metodologia Geral - Aula FAQ - HISTCITE - 
HISTa - O que é o Histcite?
HISTb - Qual o site do Histcite?
HISTc - Qual o link para fazer o download do Histcite?
HISTd - Como instalo o Histcite?
HISTe - Posso usar no browser Chrome?
HISTf - Posso usar no browser Firefox?
HISTg - Onde existe um manual do Histcite?
HISTh - Gráfico de autores no histcite
HISTi - Gráfico de periódicos no histcite
HISTj - Gráfico de produção anual de artigos no histcite
HISTk - Tabela de artigos mais citados
HISTl - Gráfico de citações longitudinalmente vídeo
HISTm - Gráfico de citações de artigos por ano
HISTn - Como ajustar o arquivo gerado pelo WOS para que possa ser lido pelo histcite?
HISTo–Sou obrigado a criar uma pasta no C: com o nome de fakepath 

UNESP-USP: Indices do Histcite

Indices do Histcite

O objetivo aqui é mostrar a influência das citações em seu trabalho e não apenas os artigos. Um artigo é bom, se é citado.

LCS: Local Citation Score: Number of citations to the paper from within the collection. 
GCS: Global Citation Score: Number of citations to the paper from all sources, as reported in 
Web of Science when the data was downloaded. 
LCR: Local Cited References: Number of records in the collection that are cited by the paper. 
This number is an indication of the relevance of the paper to the collection. 
CR: Number of Cited References: Total number of cited references in the bibliography of the 

2.6 Historiographs 
One of the key features of HistCite is the ability to create historiographs -- graphs showing 
the time line of publications in a collection, with arrows indicating the citation links. 
From the menu bar, select Tools ->Graph Maker. Click on "Make Graph" to create a 
historiograph of the collection. 
Click on "Make graph" to see the default historiograph of the collection. Hover over a node to see summary information and click on a node for a detailed record. 

TLCS: Total Local Citation Score = Total citations in the collection to the author. 
TGCS: Total Global Citation Score = Total citations in Web of Science to papers by the 
author in the collection. (Note that this is not necessarily the total citations to an author in 
Web of Science; only to those papers by the author included in the collection). 
Hover over any value in the table to see the percentage of the total. E.g. Hover over the 
number of papers to see what percentage it represents of all papers in the collection. 

TLCS: Total Local Citation Score = Total citations in the collection to the journal. 
TGCS: Total Global Citation Score = Total citations in Web of Science to papers in the journal 
in the collection. (Note that this is not necessarily the total citations to the journal in Web of 
Science; only to those papers in the journal included in the collection) 
Hover over any value in the table to see the percentage of the total. E.g. Hover over the 
number of papers to see what percentage it represents of all papers in the collection.

"Fakepath" Error 
If you are using Internet Explorer Version 8, you might see an error message, such as File: 
"C:\fakepath\HistCiteSample.txt": No such file or directory", when you try to add a new file 
using the File -> Add... menu. This is due to some changes introduced in Internet Explorer 8. 
The work-around is as follows. 
Double click the globe Internet icon at the bottom of your IE8 window 
Click "Local intranet" 
Click "Sites" 
Click "Advanced" 
Make sure is in the input field 
Click "Add" 
Click out of the dialogs with OK. 

List of All Records
When HistCite first opens, it shows the main page where all the records in your collection are listed.
On first starting HistCite, the All Records list is overlaid with the "HistCite Tip of the Day" window, where useful tips and hints are displayed.
Close the "Tips" window to view the List of All Records.
The main items to notice on the opening page areas follows:
Window Title Bar: Shows the currently open primary file.
Menu Bar: Contains all the controls and functions you will need when using HistCite.
Collection title and description: This is a title and description of the collection that you can add, using the File ->Properties... dialog, or click on the title to edit. The default is "Untitled Collection"
Collection Statistics: This shows the Grand Totals of local and global citation scores and the number of citations of all the papers in the collection. Below this is the date range of the papers in the collection.
Analyses Index: The top line of the Analyses Index shows the parameters of the collection, and allows access to specific analyses. The sample file has 500 records written by 756 unique authors, published in 202 journals, with 14,088 cited references, and 1,215 unique title words.
The second line of the analyses index shows a series of links to specific analyses.
Click on any of the links in the Analyses Index to see the data analyzed by that parameter.
In the default view the Analyses index is shown. If it is not showing, go to Tools -> Analyses Index to switch it on.
Navigation controls: Immediately above and below the main table are the navigation controls which allow you to rapidly move through the collection. See the Navigation section for more details.
The record table: When you first open a collection in HistCite the main table shows the records sorted by date order. The main table column headings are described below. Click on any of the blue or purple table headings to sort the table by that data. The current sort parameter and all relevant sorted data is highlighted in purple. Clicking a second time on a purple heading will reverse the sort order.
#: Table row number. This varies dynamically and depends on the sort order.
Date/Author/Journal: This column contains the full record of each paper in the collection. Click on the Date or Author or Journal column heading to sort the records by these parameters. In Date sort order (the default) the table displays cross-headings for each year represented in the collection.
LCS: Local Citation Score: Number of citations to the paper from within the collection.
GCS: Global Citation Score: Number of citations to the paper from all sources, as reported in Web of Science when the data was downloaded.
LCR: Local Cited References: Number of records in the collection that are cited by the paper. This number is an indication of the relevance of the paper to the collection.
CR: Number of Cited References: Total number of cited references in the bibliography of the paper.
Records: Each record shows the data for a member of the collection in the standard Vancouver style. Each record is assigned a record number by HistCite.
Records contain several hot links which lead to filtered lists. Hot links in records will turn blue and underlined when hovered over. In addition, a small "tool tip" window will appear indicating the number of records in the filtered list and the TLCS and TGCS scores.
Click on...
LCR - to show a filtered list of papers in the collection that are cited by the record.
Record number - to open the detailed record of the paper, and to edit the record. (See Editing individual records).
Author name - to show a filtered list of papers written by that author.
Words in article title - to show a filtered list of papers in the collection with that title word.
Journal title - to show a filtered list of papers published in that journal.
Publication year - to show a filtered list of papers published in that year.
LCS - to show a filtered list of papers in the collection that cite the record.

Última atualização: segunda-feira, 7 set. 2020, 11:13