Diagrama de temas

  • Species delimitation in algae | Frederik Leliaert

    20.out - Aula 13

    Métodos III

    Luo, A., Ling, C., Ho, S.Y.W. & Zhu, C.-D. 2018. Comparison of Methods for Molecular Species Delimitation Across a Range of Speciation Scenarios. Syst. Bio., 67: 830-846. 10.1093/sysbio/syy011

    Flouri, T., B. Rannala & Z. Yang. 2020. A Tutorial on the Use of BPP for Species Tree Estimation and Species Delimitation. In: Scornavacca, C., F. Delsuc & N. Galtier (eds.) Phylogenetics in the Genomic Era. Authors open access book, p.p. 1-568, 2020. hal-02535070. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02535070 


    20.out. – Aula 14. 
