
  • Disciplina: LCF5874 Manejo de Florestas Nativas Tropicais
    Professor Coordenador: 
    Edson José Vidal da Silva

    Horário das aulas: Sexta-feira - 8h às 12h
    Plataforma: Google Meet

    Link da aula: http://meet.google.com/wvg-cbaj-sur


    Laura e Alex: http://meet.google.com/wus-hqxp-ecu

    Germano e Vitória Derisso: http://meet.google.com/sdt-kjmd-buv

    Alexandre e Aline: http://meet.google.com/tbe-kecm-mys

    Jéssy e Marina: http://meet.google.com/spu-kaiq-prf

    Letícia e Vitória: http://meet.google.com/feg-fgvf-far

  • Aula 1 (04 de setembro)

    Tema da aula: Introdução à disciplina e definição do que é o Manejo de Florestas Nativas

  • Aula 2 (11 de setembro)

    Tema da aula: Contribuição do manejo florestal para a conservação da biodiversidade

    Apresentação de Seminários em Dupla:

    1. Laura e Alex: Jake E. Bicknell; Matthew J. Struebig; David P. Edwards; Zoe G. Davies. Improved timber harvest techniques maintain biodiversity in tropical forests. Current Biology, Volume 24, Issue 23, pR1119–R1120, 2014.

    2. Germano e Vitória Derisso: Edwards, D.P.; Tobias, J.A.; Sheil, D.; Meijaard, E.; Laurance, W.G. Maintaining ecosystem function and services in logged tropical forests. Trends. Ecol. Evol., 29, 511–520, 2014.

    3. Alexandre e Aline: Francis E. Putz; Pieter A. Zuidema; Timothy Synnott; Marielos Peña-Claros; Michelle A. Pinard; Douglas Sheil; Jerome K. Vanclay; Plinio Sist; Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury; Bronson Griscom; John Palmer; Roderick Zagt. Sustaining conservation values in selectively logged tropical forests: the attained and the attainable. Conservation letters, 0, 1–8, 2012.

  • Aula 3 (18 de setembro)

    Tema da aula: Indo além da primeira colheita

    Apresentação de Seminários em Dupla:

    1. Jéssy e Marina: Zarin, D. J.; Schulze, M.; Vidal, E.; Lentini, M. Beyond reaping the first harvest: Management objectives for timber production in the Brazilian Amazon. Conserv. Biol., 21(4), 916-925, 2007.

    2. Letícia e Vitória Benatti: Neves, R. L. P.; Schwartz, G.; Lopes, J. C. A.; Leão, F. M. Post-harvesting silvicultural treatments in canopy logging gaps: Mediumterm responses of commercial tree species under tending and enrichment planting. Forest Ecology and Management 451 (2019) 117521.

    Apresentação de Seminários Individuais:

    1. Aline: Hassan C. David; João O.P. Carvalho; Iran Paz Pires; Luana S. Santos; Eglison S. Barbosa; Nathalia S. Braga. A 20-year tree liberation experiment in the Amazon: Highlights for diameter growth rates and species-specific management. Forest Ecology and Management 453 (2019) 117584.

  • Aula 4 (25 de setembro)

    Tema da aula: Resultados de longo prazo do manejo florestal

    Apresentação de Seminários Individuais:

    1. Jéssy: X.J. Rondon, D.L. Gorchov and F. Cornejo. Revisiting the Palcazu Forest Management Model and Its Sustainability for Timber Extraction in the Tropics. International Forestry Review, 15(1): 98-111.

    2. Vitória Derisso: Angela Luciana de Avila, Gustavo Schwartz, Ademir Roberto Ruschel, José do Carmo Lopes, José Natalino Macedo Silva c, João Olegário Pereira de Carvalho, Carsten F. Dormann, Lucas Mazzei, Marcio Hofmann Mota Soares, Jürgen Bauhus. Recruitment, growth and recovery of commercial tree species over 30 years following logging and thinning in a tropical rain forest. Forest Ecology and Management 385 (2017) 225–235.

    3. Alexandre: Rafaela Pereira Naves, Vidar Grøtan, Paulo Inácio Prado, Edson Vidal, João Luís Ferreira Batista. Tropical forest management altered abundances of individual tree species but not diversity. Forest Ecology and Management 475 (2020) 118399.

    4. Alex: Anand Roopsind, Verginia Wortel c, Wedika Hanoeman, Francis E. Putz. Quantifying uncertainty about forest recovery 32-years after selective logging in Suriname. Forest Ecology and Management 391 (2017) 246–255.

  • Aula 5 (02 de outubro)

    Tema da aula:
     Impacto do manejo nas espécies, produção e serviços ecossistêmicos

    Apresentação de Seminários Individuais:

    1. Letícia: Vanessa A. Richardson, Carlos A. Peres. Temporal Decay in Timber Species Composition and Value in Amazonian Logging Concessions. PLOS ONE, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0159035 July 13, 2016.

    2. Germano: Camille Piponiot et al. Can timber provision from Amazonian production forests be sustainable? Environ. Res. Lett. 14 (2019) 064014.

    3. Marina: Camille Piponiot et al. Optimal strategies for ecosystem services provision in Amazonian production forests. Environ. Res. Lett. 14 (2019) 124090.

  • Aula 6 (09 de outubro)

    Tema da aula:
     Ilegalidade do setor florestal

    Apresentação de Seminários Individuais:

    1. Vitória Benatti: Franco Perazzoni, Paula Bacelar-Nicolau and Marco Painho. Geointelligence against Illegal Deforestation and Timber Laundering in the Brazilian Amazon. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, 398; doi:10.3390/ijgi9060398.

    2. Laura: P. H. S. Brancalion, D. R. A. de Almeida, E. Vidal, P. G. Molin, V. E. Sontag, S. E. X. F. Souza, M. D. Schulze. Fake Legal Logging in the Brazilian Amazon. Sci. Adv. 4, eaat1192 (2018).

  • Aula 7 (09 de dezembro)

    Entrega do Artigo

  • Seminário Parcial em Dupla

    11/0905. Jake E. Bicknell, Matthew J. Struebig, David P. Edwards and Zoe G. Davies . Improved timber harvest techniques maintain biodiversity in tropical forests. Current Biology, Volume 24, Issue 23, pR1119–R1120, 1 December 2014.Laura e Alex
    11/0906. Edwards, D.P., Tobias, J.A., Sheil, D., Meijaard, E., and Laurance, W.G. (2014). Maintaining ecosystem function and services in logged tropical forests. Trends. Ecol. Evol. 29, 511–520.Germano e Vitória Derisso
    11/0907. Francis E. Putz, Pieter A. Zuidema, Timothy Synnott, Marielos Peña-Claros, Michelle A. Pinard, Douglas Sheil, Jerome K. Vanclay, Plinio Sist, Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury, Bronson Griscom, John Palmer. & Roderick Zagt. Sustaining conservation values in selectively logged tropical forests: the attained and the attainable. CONSERVATION LETTERS 0 (2012) 1–8.Alexandre e Aline
    18/0908. ZARIN, D.J., SCHULZE, M., VIDAL, E., AND LENTINI, M. 2007. Beyond reaping the first harvest: Management objectives for timber production in the Brazilian Amazon. Conserv. Biol. 21(4): 916-925.Jéssy e Marina
    18/0909. Raphael Lobato Prado Neves, Gustavo Schwartz, José do Carmo Alves Lopes, Fábio Miranda Leão. Post-harvesting silvicultural treatments in canopy logging gaps: Mediumterm responses of commercial tree species under tending and enrichment planting. Forest Ecology and Management 451 (2019) 117521.Letícia e Vitória Benatti

  • Seminário Parcial Individual

    18/0910. Hassan C. David, João O.P. Carvalho, Iran Paz Pires, Luana S. Santos, Eglison S. Barbosa, Nathalia S. Braga. A 20-year tree liberation experiment in the Amazon: Highlights for diameter growth rates and species-specific management. Forest Ecology and Management 453 (2019) 117584.Aline
    25/0911. X.J. Rondon, D.L. Gorchov and F. Cornejo. Revisiting the Palcazu Forest Management Model and Its Sustainability for Timber Extraction in the Tropics. International Forestry Review, 15(1): 98-111.Jéssy
    25/0912. Angela Luciana de Avila, Gustavo Schwartz, Ademir Roberto Ruschel, José do Carmo Lopes, José Natalino Macedo Silva c, João Olegário Pereira de Carvalho, Carsten F. Dormann, Lucas Mazzei, Marcio Hofmann Mota Soares, Jürgen Bauhus. Recruitment, growth and recovery of commercial tree species over 30 years following logging and thinning in a tropical rain forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 385 (2017) 225–235.Vitória Derisso
    25/0913. Rafaela Pereira Naves, Vidar Grøtan, Paulo Inácio Prado, Edson Vidal, João Luís Ferreira Batista. Tropical forest management altered abundances of individual tree species but not diversity. Forest Ecology and Management 475 (2020) 118399.Alexandre
    25/0914. Anand Roopsind, Verginia Wortel c, Wedika Hanoeman, Francis E. Putz. Quantifying uncertainty about forest recovery 32-years after selective logging in Suriname . Forest Ecology and Management 391 (2017) 246–255.Alex
    02/1017. Vanessa A. Richardson, Carlos A. Peres. Temporal Decay in Timber Species Composition and Value in Amazonian Logging Concessions. PLOS ONE, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0159035 July 13, 2016.
    02/1018. Camille Piponiot et al. Can timber provision from Amazonian production forests be sustainable? Environ. Res. Lett. 14 (2019) 064014.Germano
    02/1019. Camille Piponiot et al. Optimal strategies for ecosystem services provision in Amazonian production forests. Environ. Res. Lett. 14 (2019) 124090.
    09/1015. Franco Perazzoni, Paula Bacelar-Nicolau and Marco Painho. Geointelligence against Illegal Deforestation and Timber Laundering in the Brazilian Amazon. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, 398; doi:10.3390/ijgi9060398.
    Vitória Benatti
    09/1016. P. H. S. Brancalion, D. R. A. de Almeida, E. Vidal, P. G. Molin, V. E. Sontag, S. E. X. F. Souza, M. D. Schulze. Fake Legal Logging in the Brazilian Amazon. Sci. Adv. 4, eaat1192 (2018).

  • Anexos