
  • Interactions of Science, Engineering and Public Policy

    We live in a world of remarkable, adaptable, complex systems (CAS) that inform and influence our desire for growth, development, prosperity or a better life. CAS are inside of us and all around us, from the tiny system of a single cell to the vast systems of the world’s oceans and our global communications networks. From the earliest cave dwellers to today, technology and innovation have always played a central role in the creation of CAS as humans pursue the good life. It turns out, however, that we are not very good at recognizing, understanding, or communicating with one another about CAS. We often see individual items where we should see elements of a system; we attribute a problem to a single effect; and we approach issues with narrow horizons of time and space. Learning to understand and redesign them may be the best way we have to tackle the increasingly large and complex issues facing our world today, from climate change to wealth inequality to energy security—from our political systems and processes to our economies to our environment and, indeed, to our world. CAS thinking is a different approach to analysis that takes into account the features and elements of a system, how they work together and how they influence each other. It fosters development of dynamic leaders and dynamic solutions in all environments, as the leader must account for each piece of the system and visualize how a solution will impact the rest of the system. The relationship between technology, public policy and the good life, therefore, is one in which public policy must play a negotiating or mediating role between technology and our desire for the good life. That is, public policy must orchestrate cohesion in order to avoid catastrophic failures or the breakdown of systems created by our technologies.


    1. Distinguish the approaches used by engineering and public policy to produce public policy outcomes;

    2. Compare the dynamic, complex and interactive processes of engineering and public policy through which public problems are identified;

    3. Examine case studies of public policy in response to engineering solutions to identify strengths and weaknesses;

    4. Work in teams to develop and articulate possible strategies for obtaining public policy outcomes.

    5. Generate a unique solution to a current problem using both the political science and the engineering approach to problem solving.  

  • First Class - Icebreaker

  • Second Class: Introduction to Complex Adaptable Systems in Decision Making

    To Engineer Is Human:

    READING: Stanford Biodesign Case Studies (Review and prepare for group discussion).

  • Third Class: A Complex Systems Analysis of Transportation and Society

    The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal 

    WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfdCTu-3i60

    WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyNpn1Z21eE

  • Fourth Class: A Complex Systems Analysis of Energy and Society: Oil Dependence and US Foreign Policy: 1850 – 2022

    The Deepwater Horizon Blowout 

    WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjXSuQiJKKE

    WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCVCOWejlag

  • Fifth Class: A Complex Systems Analysis of Transportation and Society

    The Boeing Super Max 8 Airplane

  • Sixth Class: A Complex Adaptable Systems of Brazil

    The Role of the Amazon in Brazil’s Development

  • Bibliography

    Hamilton Coimbra Carvalho, Giuliana Isabella, and Jose Afonso Mazzon, "Thresholds are Everywhere: A Systems Approach to Public Policy," Brazil Administration Review 16: 3, 2019.

    Donella Meadows, Thinking in Systems: A Primer, Vermont, NH: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2008. 

    The Systems Approach and Public Policy, S.S. Quade, Rand, 1969.