
Student Groups

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Modificado: 28 março 2022, 11:19 AM   Usuário: Dilvan de Abreu Moreira  → Dilvan de Abreu Moreira

Each group will answer the following questions:

  1. On the internet, nothing new is created if it can be reused from existing technologies. To prove this sentence, find 2 technologies from the WWW that reused technologies from pre-existing standards. For each, describe what was reused, how, and what were the advantages of reusing the older technologies. In your opinion, could they have used something different? 
  2. Browser Wars. Companies fought wars to control the WWW technologies. Do you agree with the narrative for the browser wars, presented in the video? 

Each group has to choose:

    • 1 Coordinator: To coordinate the discussions and group activities. He also has to control the time to make sure the group will post its results on time.
    • 1 Editor: To write down the group's contents to the wiki.

Each group has to create its wiki page where it has to write:

  1. Group member's names and USP numbers
  2. Answers to the questions