
Lista de Projetos

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Modificado: 19 outubro 2018, 15:00 PM   Usuário: Dilvan de Abreu Moreira  → Dilvan de Abreu Moreira

1. Text Editor

A version of Notepad in Java using Swing. It should have the same commands as Notepad, excluding the printer command. The Help option should be present, but it only needs to explain the commands and show the names of the authors.

Video Tape Store

Implement a program to control a video store tape collection. The program should be able to track all tapes, register tape transactions, detect costumers in debit and send fines. All should be presented in screens using Swing. The program must also show transactions, where each tape is and the status of each costumer.

Course Applet

This program (implemented in Swing) should be able to run standalone or as an Applet. It should read a set of courses and their dependencies from a property file, a XML file or a database (this choice is optional) . For each course, it should read its time table.

This program should help students choose the classes they are going to take in a semester. Each student will mark the classes he already have taken and the program will show all the classes he can take and their time tables. After that, the student can choose the classes he will take. The program should show the student time table and mark (in red) the courses that have time collisions.


File Manager

