
Student Groups

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Data di modifica: 14 dicembre 2022, 14:29   Utente: Gustavo Bhering Grande  → GB

Student Groups

Our goal here is to understand the CAP Theorem and to know the advantages and disadvantages of some NoSQL solutions. There will be four groups. All the wikis will have the following content:

  1. DB Name
  2. Student List (with name and USP id)
  3. Main DB Features
  4. Does It Implement CA, CP, or AP? Why? 
  5. DB Advantages
  6. DB Disadvantages
  7. Application Niches

They will also make a 22 minutes presentation of their work to the class.

Each group has to choose:

  1. Coordinator: To coordinate the discussions and group activities. He also has to control the time to make sure the group will post its results on time.
  2. Editor: To write down the group's contents to the wiki.
  3. Three Presenters: To present the work to the class

A group may divide the work among subgroups, but, in this case, it is recommended that you plan some time to join the work of each subgroup.  

Tip: If you use Google Docs or Slides to create your work, you may just link it to the group's wiki page. But remember to make it readable by everyone and copy its text to the wiki (just as a backup).

Groups' Page:
  1. MongoDB
  2. CouchDB
  3. Reds