
File Manager

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Modifié: 19 octobre 2018, 15:09   Utilisateur: Dilvan de Abreu Moreira  → Dilvan de Abreu Moreira

The unit FileManager is the only unit for a File Manager Application. The Java File Manager application is designed to provide basic facilities to deal with files in a graphic environment. It allows file system browsing, copying, moving and deleting files and creating folders. It also allows files of a specific type to be associated with an application, and handles opening the file with the proper application when the user requests it.

To show information, the Java File Manager uses the following format:

drw  FileName     FileLength    FileType

where the first three letters indicate wether the file is a directory, is readable and writable. The second column is the name of the file, followed by its size and a description of the File Type. This way you could have:

-rw   1324    Java Source File

5.1. The Menu

Commands are given to Java File Manager mainly through Menus. There are:

5.1.1. The File Menu

Open: Opens the currently selected file (or the one nearest the top if more than one are selected) with the proper application. If the selected file is a directory, updates the file list.

Create Folder: Creates a folder with the specified name.

Associate: Collects information about the application to be associated with the selected file. A comment about the file type can also be specified.

Quit: Quit Java File Manager.

5.1.2. The Edit Menu

Select All: Selects all files in the current directory.

Cut: Mark selected files to be moved to a new directory.

Copy: Mark selected files to be copied to a new directory.

Paste: Copies or moves the marked files, according to if they were copied or cut.

Delete: Deletes currently selected files.

5.1.3. The View Menu

-Order by Name: Orders files by Name

-Order by Type: Order files by type

-Order by length: Order file by length

5.1.4. The Help Menu

-Help: Shows this message

5.2. The Tool Bar

The buttons Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete shown in the Toolbar are shortcuts for their equivalents in the Edit Menu.