• Aquisição e Evolução da Linguagem

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    Resumo: Ingold, T. (2000). Evolving skills. Alas, poor Darwin: Arguments against evolutionary psychology, 273-297.

    Questões: Barret, L. (2011). Babies and bodies. Chapter 10. 

    Beyond the brain: How body and environment shape animal and human minds. Princeton University Press. pag 175-192.



    Kolmogorova, A. V. Coupling Cognitive Expectations and Anticipations in Dialogue (as Based on Russian Mother-Child Interaction).

    2)     Sterelny, Kim (2012). Language, gesture, skill: the co-evolutionary foundations of language Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2012 367, 2141-2151. JOSÉ


    Carvalho, M. E. S., Justo, J. M., Gratier, M., Tomé, T., Pereira, E., & Rodrigues, H. (2019). Vocal responsiveness of preterm infants to maternal infant-directed speaking and singing during skin-to-skin contact (Kangaroo Care) in the NICU. Infant Behavior and Development, 57, 101332.