Diagrama de temas

    • Test 1: Prepare an ESO Proposal

      ESO offers a nice range of optical/NIR/radio telescopes. It sounds natural, given the heterogeneity of this group, to suggest writing a proposal for ESO. All the people will have to go through the same process.

      The ESO Call for Proposal is here https://www.eso.org/sci/observing/phase1/p106/proposalsopen.html

      The deadline for sending the proposal to me (i.e. upload the pdf generated by the system) is 14 April, 23:59, time of Brasilia.

      Failing to deliver a proposal will mean mark 0 (zero) in this test.

      You get 1 extra point if you submit the proposal.

      I will evaluate as follows:

      -) 3 points - clarity of the scientific rationale

      -) 2 points - clarity of the immediate objective

      -) 2 points - clarity of the technical description

      -) 1 point - meaningful weather constraints / estimate of the exposure time

      -) 1 point - meaningful instrument configuration

      Note: I do not give a mark to science but to clarity.


      -) 3 points less if you ask for targets not observable during P106 from Paranal

      -) you loose point every time you use some sentence which are out of context. E.g., with a title “The role of t3 and FWHM on the MMRD in CNe”, you have already lost points.

    • [Forum] Questions about Test #1: Proposal

      We can use this forum for the doubts you can have about the first test of the course.

      This way the questions and the answers become available to everyone.

    • [Forum] Schedule the night of 27th January 2020

      A forum so that we can share our ideas on the night of 27th January with everyone.