Indice degli argomenti

  • Argomento 1

    02/05 - A Ciência Arqueológica

    Arqueologia no plural


    Texto: NATIV, A. No compensation needed: on archaeology and the archaeological. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. 2016. DOI 10.1007/s10816-016-9282-2.

  • Argomento 2


    V Semana Internacional de Arqueologia – Discentes MAE-USP.

    Data:  de 08/05/17 a 12/05/17 
    Horário: 09:00 às 17:30 
    Local: Faculdade de Educação da USP

  • Argomento 3

    16/05 - Arqueologia Histórico-Cultural

    Princípios e desdobramentos contemporâneos da noção de história-cultural

    Texto Introdutório: WEBSTER, G. S. Culture history: a culture-historical approach. BENTLEY, R.A; MASCHNER, H.D.G.; CHIPPINDALE, C. Handbook of Archaeological Theories. Lanham, AltaMira Press. 2008, pp. 11-27.

     Textos Seminário:

    NEVES, E.G. Archaeological cultures and past identities in the Pre-Colonial Central Amazon. In: A.Hornborg e J.D. Hill (Eds.). Ethnicity in ancient Amazonia. Reconstructing past identities from archaeology, linguistics, and ethnohistory. Boulder, University Press of Colorado. 2011, p.31-56.

    NOELLI, F.S. The Tupi: explaining origin and expansion in terms of archaeology and of historical linguistics. Antiquity, 72 (277) : p. 648-662, 2008.

    HECKENBERGER, M. Deep history, cultural identities, and ethnogenesis in the Southern Amazon. In: A. Hornborg e J.D. Hill (Eds.). Ethnicity in ancient Amazonia. Reconstructing past identities from archaeology, linguistics, and ethnohistory. Boulder, University Press of Colorado, 2011, p.57-74.

  • Argomento 4

    23/05 - Arqueologia Processual

    Princípios e desdobramentos contemporâneos da noção de sistema e processo cultural


    Texto Introdutório: WATSON, P.J. Processualism and after. BENTLEY, R.A; MASCHNER, H.D.G.; CHIPPINDALE, C. Handbook of Archaeological Theories. Lanham, AltaMira Press. 2008, p.29-38.


    Textos Seminário:

    BINFORD, L.R. The archaeology of place. In: L.R. Binford. Working at Archaeology. New York, Academic Press. 1983. Pp. 357-78.

    THACKER, P.T. Local raw material exploitation and prehistoric hunter-gatherer mobility. In:  F. Sellet, R. Graves e P. l. Yu (Eds.). Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology of Mobility. Gainsville, University Press of Florida. 2006. Pp. 240 261.

    CHANG, C. The grass is greener on the other side. A study of pastoral mobility on the Eurasian steppe of southeastern Kazakhstan. In: F. Sellet, R. Graves e P. l. Yu (Eds.). Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology of Mobility. Gainsville, University Press of Florida. 2006. Pp.184-200.

    MILNE, S.B. Colonization, structured landscapes and seasonal mobility. An examination of earley paleo-eskimo land-use patterns in the eastern Canadian Artic. In: H.B. Barnard e W. Wendrich (Eds). The Archaeology of Mobility. Old World and New World Nomadism. Los Angeles: University of California. 2008. Pp.174-199.

  • Argomento 5

    30/05 - Arqueologia Comportamental:

    Contexto arqueológico, contexto sistêmico e os desdobramentos contemporâneos do paradigma comportamental


    Textos Introdutório: SCHIFFER, M.B. Behavioral archaeology: origins and the four strategies. In: M.B. Schiffer. Behavioral  Archaeology. Principles and Practice. London/Oakville, EQUINOX Publ.Ltda. pp.3-8. 2010.


    Textos Seminário:

    SCHIFFER, M.B. Archaeological Context and Systemic Context. In: Michael Schiffer. Behavioral Archaeology. First Principles. Foundations of archaeological Inquiry. [1972]1995. pp.25-34.

    SCHIFFER, M.B. e SKIBO, J.M. Theory and experiment in the study of technological change. In: M. Schiffer. Behavioral Archaeology. First Principles. Foundations of archaeological Inquiry. 1995 [1987]. pp.230-249.

    SCHIFFER, M. B. & SKIBO, J. The Explanation of Artifact Variability. American Antiquity, 62(1):27-50. 1997.

    ZEDENO, M.I. Landscapes, land use, and the history of territory formation: an example from Puebloan southwest. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 4(1):63-103. 1997.

    CHILTON, E. The cultural origins of technical choice: unraveling Algonquian and Iroquian ceramic traditions in the northeast. In: M. Stark (Ed.). The Archaeology of Social Boundaries. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington/London. 1998. PP.132-160.


  • Argomento 6

    06/06 Arqueologia Pós-Processual

    Significados simbólicos da materialidade e a agência das coisas


    Texto Introdutório:

    SHANKS, M. Postprocessual archaeology and after. Bentley, R.A; Maschner, H.D.G.; Chippindale, C. Handbook of Archaeological Theories. Lanham, AltaMira Press. 2008, p. 133-144.


    Textos Seminários:

    GOSDEN, C. What do objects want? Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. 12(3):193-211.2005.

    HEGMON, M. E KULOW, S. Painting as agency, style as structure: innovations in Mimbres pottery designs forms Southwest New Mexico. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. Vol.12.N.4. 2005.p.313-334.

    LAU, G. The work of surfaces: object worlds and techniques of enhancement in the ancient Andes. Journal of Material Culture, 15(3): 259-286. 2010.

    CHAZAN, M. e HORWITZ, L.K. Milestones: in the development of symbolic behavior: a case study from Wonderwerk Cave, South Africa. World Archaeology, 4(4): 521-539. 2009.

  • Argomento 7

    13/06 Arqueologia e Pós-Colonialismo

    Descolonização da práxis arqueológica


    Textos Introdutórios:

    LYDON, J. ; RIZVI, U.Z. Introduction: Postcolonialism and archaeology. In: J. Lydon e U.Z. Rizvi (Eds.). Handbook of Postcolonial Archaeology. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press INC. 2010, p. 17-33.

    RIZVI, U.Z. ; LYDON, J. Epilogue. Postcolonialism and archaeology. In: J. Lydon e U.Z. Rizvi (Eds.). Handbook of Postcolonial Archaeology. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press INC. 2010, p. 495-503.


    Textos Seminário:

    HODDER, I. Archaeological reflexivity and the “local” voice. Anthropological Quarterly, 76(1):55-69. 2003.

    SILLIMAN, S. Between the longue durée and the short purée: postcolonial archaeologies of indigemous history in colonial North America. In: M.Oland, S.M. Hart e L. Frink (Eds). Decolonizing Indigenous Histories. Exploring Prehistoric/Colonial Transitions in Archaeology. Tucson: The University of Arizon Press. 2012, p.113-131.

    SINGLETON, T. A. Slavery, liberation, and emancipation: constructing a postcolonial archaeology of the African diaspora. In: J. Lydon e U.Z. Rizvi (Eds.). Handbook of Postcolonial Archaeology. Walnut Creek, Left Coast Press INC. 2010, p. 185-198.

  • Argomento 8

    20/06 - Arqueologias Contemporâneas

    Arqueologia do imaginário, da emoção, da corporalidade, de gênero, do conflito e do mundo contemporâneo

    WHITRIDGE, P. Landscapes, houses, bodies, things: “place” and the archaeology of Inuit imaginaries. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 11(2): 183-212. 2004.

    TARLOW, S. The archaeology of emotion and affect. Annual Review of Anthropology, 41:169-85. 2012.

    JOYCE, R.A. Archaeology of the body. Annual Review of Anthropology, 34:139-58. 2005.

  • Argomento 9

    27/06 - Arqueologias Contemporâneas

    COBB, H. e CROUCHER, K. Personal, political, pedagogic: challenging the binary bind in archaeological teaching, learning and fieldwork. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 23(3):949-969. 2016.

    RATNAGAR, S. Archaeology at the heart of a political confrontation. Current Anthropology, 45(2):239-259. 2004.

    GONZÁLEZ-RUIBAL, A. Time to destroy. An archaeology of supermodernity. Current Anthropology, 49(2):247-278. 2008.


  • Argomento 10


    04/07 - Questões Arqueológicas Contemporâneas

    A construção do conhecimento arqueológico, a gestão do patrimônio arqueológico, o papel social e político do arqueólogo


    Textos Seminário:

    HOLTORF, C. Notes on the life history of a pot sherd. Journal of Material Culture, 7(1): 49-71. 2002.

    HAMILAKIS, Y. Archaeological ethnography: a multitemporal meeting ground for archaeology and anthropology. Annual Review of Anthropology, 40:399-414. 2011.             

    RUBERTONE, P. Engaging monuments, memories, and archaeology. In: Archaeologies of placemaking. Walnuk Creek: Left Coast Press, p. 13-34.

    COLWELL-CHANTHAPHONH, C. The archaeologist as a world citizen. In: L. Mekell (Ed.). Cosmopolitan Archaeologies. Durham/London, Duke University Press. 140-165. 2009.

    CHRISTENSEN, K. Archaeology and activism of the past and present. M.J.Stottman (Ed.). Archaeologists as Activists. Can Archaeologist Change the World? Tuscaloosa, The University of Alabama Press. 2010, p. 19-35.

    PYBURN, K.A. Developing archaeology. In: P.G. Gould e K.A. Pyburn (Eds). Collision or Collaboration. Springer, p. 189-200.


  • Argomento 11


    1) A partir das leituras e debates em sala de aula faça uma reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento do estudo do registro arqueológico/materialidade nas Arqueologias dos séculos XX e XXI.

    2) Explique sua proposta de pesquisa em termos teóricos.