Tema Nombre Descripción
URL Legal Guide for Foreign Investors in Brazil
Archivo European Union Law
The report should be handwritten and delivered until June 16, at most, at the professor locker on building C2. Please, remember to identify it with your name and the class (International Law).
Archivo Main Book
URL How did a peace treaty from 1215 forge the freedoms of 2015?
URL Nexo's article - Refugees around the world
URL Categories of 50 Human Rights Cases That Transformed BritainEscolha
Archivo Groups
Archivo Schedule 2019 - Updated 2
URL Link to register for the event on 20/11
Grades Archivo Grades - International Law
Class 1 - 13.aug.2019 Archivo Slides Class 1
Class 2 - 20.aug.2019 Archivo Slides Class 2
Class 3 - 27.aug.2019 Archivo Slides Class 3
Class 7/8/9 - 01.oct.2019, 9.oct.2019 and 15.oct.2019 Archivo Slides (Class 7 and Class 9)
Class 10 - 22.oct.2019 URL Brown Eyes / Blue Eyes with children (14 min)

Shorter video (14 min), with a summary of Jane Elliot's experiment with children in the 1970s.

URL Brown Eyes / Blue Eyes with adults (47min)

Jane Elliot's experiment with adults, in repetition of the initial experiment, also based on eye color characteristics (47 min).

Class 11 - 29.oct.2019 URL Poster - Canvas
Archivo Poster - PowerPoint
Carpeta QR Codes

Here are the QR Codes of all groups. This QR Code should be placed on the poster that will be presented on 20/11, and each group has a specific one, so download and use the file with the name of the country you are doing the work on.

Class 12 - 05.nov.2019 Archivo Slides Class 1
Class 13 - 12.nov.2019 Archivo Slides Class 14
Archivo Model of Contract presented in class
Ready, everyone! Here is the model Prof. Luciana used in the class for showing the contract. Any questions, I'm here :)
Class 15 - 26.nov.2019 Archivo Slides Class 15