
Data provided "as is," no warranties


Crime data for 49 neighborhoods in Columbus, OH, 1980

Type = polygon shape file, projected, arbitrary units

Observations = 49

Variables = 20


Anselin, Luc (1988). Spatial Econometrics. Boston, Kluwer Academic, Table 12.1, p. 189.


Variable Description
AREA neighborhood area (computed by ArcView)
PERIMETER neighborhood perimeter (computed by ArcView)
COLUMBUS_ internal polygon ID (generated by ArcView)
COLUMBUS_I internal polygon ID (geneated by ArcView)
POLYID neighborhood ID, used in GeoDa User's Guide and tutorials
NEIG neighborhood ID, used in Spatial Econometrics examples
HOVAL housing value (in $1,000)
INC household income (in $1,000)
CRIME residential burglaries and vehicle thefts per 1000 households
OPEN open space (area)
PLUMB percent housing units without plumbing
DISCBD distance to CBD
X centroid x coordinate (in arbitrary digitizing units)
Y centroid y coordinate (in arbitrary digitizing units)
NSA north-south indicator variable (North = 1)
NSB other north-south indicator variable (North = 1)
EW east-west indicator variable (East = 1)
CP core-periphery indicator variable (Core = 1)
THOUS constant (= 1000)
NEIGNO another neighborhood ID variable (NEIG + 1000)

Prepared by Luc Anselin

UIUC-ACE Spatial Analysis Laboratory

Last updated June 16, 2003