%file name = plate_opt.m %optimization of simply supported rectangular steel plate %uniformly loaded and own weight %main programa %design variable thickness x, m %Prof. Reyolando Brasil - May 2021 clc clear %options options=optimset ('LargeScale','off','TolCon',1e-8,'TolX',1e-8); %Lower and uper bounds of plate thickness Lb=0.01;Ub=0.1;%m %initial design = initial thickness x0=0.025;%m Prob_data(1)=4;%lenght in x direction, m Prob_data(2)=4;%lenght in y direction, m Prob_data(3)=10000;%uniform loading, N/m² Prob_data(4)=7850;%steel density, kg/m³ Prob_data(5)=15e7;%steel alowble stress, N/m² Prob_data(6)=210e9;%steel Young's Modulus, N/m² Prob_data(7)=0.3;%Poisson's coefficient %optimization function call [x,FunVal,ExitFlag,Output]=... fmincon('plate_obj',x0,[],[],[],[],Lb,Ub,'plate_con',options,Prob_data) %