%file name = plate_con.m %optimization of simply supported rectangular steel plate %uniformly loaded and own weight %design variable thickness x, m %constraints %Prof. Reyolando Brasil - May 2021 function [g,h]=plate_con(x,Prob_data) %problem data a=Prob_data(1);%lenght in x direction, m b=Prob_data(2);%lenght in y direction, m q=Prob_data(3);%uniform loading, N/m² rho=Prob_data(4);%steel density, kg/m³ Ta=Prob_data(5);%steel alowble stress, N/m² E=Prob_data(6);%steel Young's Modulus, N/m² nu=Prob_data(7);%Poisson's ratio % D=E*x^3/12/(1-nu^2); w=x^2/6; % r=round(b/a,1);%b/a ratio, between 1 and 2, 11 possible values, round to first decimal k=10*(r-1)+1;%table position qmp=q+10*rho*x;%gravity acceleration 10 m/s² % %Table 8 "Theory of Plates an Shells", Timoshenko % alfa=[0.00406; 0.00485; 0.00564; 0.00638; 0.00705; 0.00772; 0.00830; 0.00883; 0.00931; 0.00974; 0.01013]; % beta=[0.0479; 0.0554; 0.0627; 0.0694; 0.0755; 0.0812; 0.0862; 0.0908; 0.0948; 0.0985; 0.1017]; % vmax=alfa(k)*qmp*a^4/D;%maximum vertical displacement, m % Mx_max=beta(k)*qmp*a^2;%maximun bending moment Mx, Nm/m %constraints g(1)=(Mx_max/w)/Ta-1; g(2)=400*vmax/a-1; % h=[];