************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ * Subroutine PLANT * This subroutine simulates the growth of the plant using pre-determined * conditions.Hourly values of temperature and photosyntetically active * radiation come from WEATHER subroutine and daily values of availability * of water in the soil come from SW subroutine. This subroutine supplies * the SW subroutine with daily values of leaf area index (LAI). C**************************************************************************** * LIST OF VARIABLES * di = daily accumulated temperature above tb (degree days) * dLAI = daily increase in leaf area index (m2/m2/d) * dN = incremental leaf number * DOY = day of the year * DYN = dynamic control variable * dw = incremental total plant dry matter weight (g m-2) * dwc = incremental canopy dry matter weight (g m-2) * dwf = incremental fruit dry matter weight (g m-2) * dwr = incremental root dry matter weight (g m-2) * E = conversion efficiency of CH2O to plant tissue (g g-1) * EMP1 = empirical coef. for expoilinear eq. * EMP2 = empirical coef. for expoilinear eq. * endsim= code signifying physiological maturity (end of simulation) * Fc = fraction of total crop growth partitioned to canopy * FL = code for development phase (1=vegetative phase, * 2=reproductive phase) * int = accumulated temperature after reproductive phase starts (c) * INTOT = duration of reproductive stage (degree days) * LAI = canopy leaf area index (m2 m-2) * Lfmax = maximum number of leaves * N = leaf number * nb = empirical coef. for expoilinear eq. * p1 = dry matter of leaves removed per plant per unit development after * maximum number of leaves is reached (g) * PD = plant density m-2 * Pg = canopy gross photosynthesis rate (g plant-1 day-1) * PT = photosynthesis reduction factor for temp. * rm = maximum rate of leaf appearearance (day-1) * sla = specific leaf area (m2 g-1) * SRAD = Daily solar radiation (MJ m-2) * SWFAC1= soil water deficit stress factor * SWFAC2= soil water excess stress factor * tb = base temperature above which reproductive growth occurs (c) * TMAX = Daily maximum temperature (c) * TMIN = Daily manimum temperature (c) * TMN = Daily mean temperature (c) * W = total plant dry matter weight (g m-2) * Wc = canopy dry matter weight (g m-2) * Wf = fruit dry matter weight (g m-2) * Wr = root dry matter weight (g m-2) ************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE PLANT( & DOY, endsim,TMAX,TMIN, PAR, SWFAC1, SWFAC2, !Input & LAI, !Output & DYN) !Control !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE REAL E,Fc,Lai, nb,N,PT,Pg, di,PAR REAL rm,dwf,int, TMAX,TMIN, p1, sla REAL PD,EMP1,EMP2,Lfmax,dwc, TMN REAL dwr,dw,dn,w,wc,wr,wf,tb,intot, dLAI, FL REAL NH,HN,ASOL,LAT, PI, FPC INTEGER DOY, endsim, COUNT, ciclo, yearh, PJ CHARACTER*10 DYN REAL SWFAC1, SWFAC2 !************************************************************************ !************************************************************************ ! INITIALIZATION !************************************************************************ IF (INDEX(DYN,'INITIAL') .NE. 0) THEN !************************************************************************ endsim = 0 OPEN (2,FILE='PLANT.INP',STATUS='UNKNOWN') OPEN (1,FILE='plant.out',STATUS='REPLACE') READ(2,*) Lfmax, EMP2,EMP1,PD,nb,rm,fc,tb,intot,n,lai,w,wr,wc & ,p1,sla,PJ,FPC 10 FORMAT(18(1X,F7.4)) CLOSE(2) WRITE(1,11) WRITE(1,12) 11 FORMAT('Results of plant growth simulation: ') 12 FORMAT(/ &/,' Accum', &/,' Number Temp Leaf', &/,' Day of during Plant Canopy Root Fruit Area', &/,' of Leaf Reprod Weight Weight Weight weight Index', &/,' Year Nodes (oC) (g/m2) (g/m2) (g/m2) (g/m2) (m2/m2)', &/,' ---- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------') WRITE(*,11) WRITE(*,12) COUNT = 0 ciclo = 0 !************************************************************************ !************************************************************************ ! RATE CALCULATIONS !************************************************************************ ELSEIF (INDEX(DYN,'RATE') .NE. 0) THEN !************************************************************************ TMN = 0.5 * (TMAX + TMIN) CALL PTS(TMAX,TMIN,PT) CALL PGS(SWFAC1, SWFAC2,PAR, PD, PT, Lai, Pg) CALL FOTP(ASOL,NH,HN,DOY,LAT) IF ((NH .GT. FPC) .OR. (PJ .GE. 0)) THEN ! Vegetative phase FL = 1.0 E = 1.0 dN = rm * PT PJ = PJ - 1 CALL LAIS(FL,di,PD,EMP1,EMP2,N,nb,SWFAC1,SWFAC2,PT, & dN,p1, sla, dLAI) dw = E * (Pg) * PD dwc = Fc * dw dwr = (1-Fc) * dw dwf = 0.0 ELSE ! Reproductive phase FL = 2.0 IF (TMN .GE. tb .and. TMN .LE. 40) THEN di = (TMN-tb) ELSE di = 0.0 ENDIF int = int + di E = 1.0 ciclo = ciclo + 1 CALL LAIS(FL,di,PD,EMP1,EMP2,N,nb,SWFAC1,SWFAC2,PT, & dN,p1, sla, dLAI) dw = E * (Pg) * PD dwf = dw dwc = 0.0 dwr = 0.0 dn = 0.0 ENDIF !************************************************************************ !************************************************************************ ! INTEGRATION !************************************************************************ ELSEIF (INDEX(DYN,'INTEG') .NE. 0) THEN !************************************************************************ LAI = LAI + dLAI w = w + dw wc = wc + dwc wr = wr + dwr wf = wf + dwf LAI = MAX(LAI,0.0) W = MAX(W, 0.0) WC = MAX(WC,0.0) WR = MAX(WR,0.0) WF = MAX(WF,0.0) N = N + dN IF (int .GT. INTOT) THEN endsim = 1 WRITE(1,14) doy 14 FORMAT(/,' The crop matured on day ',I3,'.') RETURN ENDIF !************************************************************************ !************************************************************************ ! OUTPUT !************************************************************************ ELSEIF (INDEX(DYN,'OUTPUT') .NE. 0) THEN !************************************************************************ WRITE(1,20) DOY,n,int,w,wc,wr,wf,lai 20 FORMAT(I5,7F8.2) IF (COUNT .EQ. 23) THEN COUNT = 0 WRITE(*,30) 30 FORMAT(2/) WRITE(*,12) ENDIF COUNT = COUNT + 1 WRITE(*,20) DOY,n,int,w,wc,wr,wf,lai !************************************************************************ !************************************************************************ ! CLOSE !************************************************************************ ELSEIF (INDEX(DYN,'CLOSE') .NE. 0) THEN !************************************************************************ CLOSE(1) !************************************************************************ !************************************************************************ ! End of dynamic 'IF' construct !************************************************************************ ENDIF !************************************************************************ RETURN END SUBROUTINE PLANT ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ * Subroutine LAIS * Calculates the canopy leaf area index (LAI) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Input: FL, di, PD, EMP1, EMP2, N, nb, SWFAC1, SWFAC2, PT, dN * Output: dLAI ************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE LAIS(FL,di,PD,EMP1,EMP2,N,nb,SWFAC1,SWFAC2,PT, & dN,p1, sla, dLAI) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE REAL PD,EMP1,EMP2,N,nb,dLAI, SWFAC,a, dN, p1,sla REAL SWFAC1, SWFAC2, PT, di, FL !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SWFAC = MIN(SWFAC1, SWFAC2) IF (FL .EQ. 1.0) THEN a = exp(EMP2 * (N-nb)) dLAI = SWFAC * PD * EMP1 * PT * (a/(1+a)) * dN ELSEIF (FL .EQ. 2.0) THEN dLAI = - PD * di * p1 * sla ENDIF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- RETURN END SUBROUTINE LAIS ************************************************************************ ***************************************************************************** * Subroutine PGS * Calculates the canopy gross photosysntesis rate (PG) ****************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE PGS(SWFAC1, SWFAC2,PAR, PD, PT, Lai, Pg) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE REAL PAR, Lai, Pg, PT, Y1 REAL SWFAC1, SWFAC2, SWFAC,ROWSPC,PD, RUE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ROWSP = row spacing ! Y1 = canopy light extinction coefficient SWFAC = MIN(SWFAC1, SWFAC2) ROWSPC = 45 RUE = 1.76 Y1 = 1.5 - 0.768 * ((ROWSPC * 0.01)**2 * PD)**0.1 Pg = PT * SWFAC * RUE * PAR/PD * (1.0 - EXP(-Y1 * LAI)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- RETURN END SUBROUTINE PGS ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ * Subroutine PTS * Calculates the factor that incorporates the effect of temperature * on photosynthesis ************************************************************************* SUBROUTINE PTS(TMAX,TMIN,PT) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE REAL PT,TMAX,TMIN !----------------------------------------------------------------------- PT = 1.0 - 0.0025*((0.25*TMIN+0.75*TMAX)-26.0)**2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- RETURN END SUBROUTINE PTS ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ * Subroutine FOTP * Calcula o comprimento do dia usando a latitude do local * ************************************************************************ SUBROUTINE FOTP(ASOL,NH,HN,DOY,LAT) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE SAVE REAL ASOL, NH, HN, LAT, PI, B INTEGER DOY !----------------------------------------------------------------------- NH = 0 HN = 0 ASOL = 0 PI = 3.1415925535 !Transforma LAT em RAD LAT = -22.725 * PI/180 !Deeclinação solar - B - Transforma em radianos B = (360*(DOY - 80)/365) * PI/180 ASOL = (23.54 * SIN(B)) * PI/180 !Calculo Angulo horário do nascer do sol - NH HN = ACOSD(-TAN(LAT)*TAN(ASOL)) !Fotoperiodo NH = 0.133 * HN !----------------------------------------------------------------------- RETURN END SUBROUTINE FOTP ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************