function [M,poles,zeros] = smform(a,b,c,d) %SMFORM Finds the Smith-McMillan form of a LTI MIMO SYS model**. %its poles and zeros. % % Syntax: [M,poles,zeros] = smform(SYS) % % Inputs: % SYS - LTI MIMO system, either in State Space or Transfer Function % representation. % % Outputs: % M - Smith-McMillan Matrix % poles - Poles of the Smith-McMillan Matrix % zeros - Zeros of the Smith-McMillan Matrix % Other m-files required: tf2sym, ss2sym % % Author: Oskar Vivero Osornio % email: % Created: February 2006; % Last revision: 25-March-2006; % May be distributed freely for non-commercial use, % but please leave the above info unchanged, for % credit and feedback purposes %------------- BEGIN CODE -------------- % Determines Syntax ni=nargin; p=sym('s'); switch ni case 1 %Transfer Function Syntax switch class(a) case 'tf' %Numeric Transfer Function Syntax g=tf2sym(a); case 'sym' %Symbolic Transfer Function Syntax g=a; end case 4 %State Space Syntax g=ss2sym(a,b,c,d); end %**************************************************************** % Common Denominator [n,m]=size(g); [num,den]=numden(g); d=den; d=reshape(d,1,n*m); while (length(d))>1 k=1; d1=sym([]); for i=2:length(d) d1(k)=lcm(d(i),d(i-1)); k=k+1; end d=d1; clear d1 end %**************************************************************** % Determines P, S, and finally M %g=factor(g); P=d.*g; S=MNsmithForm(P); % S=maple('LinearAlgebra[SmithForm]',P,p) M=simplify(S./d); %**************************************************************** % Determines the poles and zeros clear num den n=size(M,1); for i=1:n [num(i),den(i)]=numden(M(i,i)); end d=prod(den); n=prod(num); % n=sym2poly(n); poles=solve(d,p); zeros=solve(n,p); end %------------- END OF CODE --------------